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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 248

"What are you doing?" Emelia waved away Julian's phone, then sat up straight and asked him in an undertone.

Julian didn't hide his intention. He stared at her with his dark eyes and said, "You looked very beautiful when you were asleep, so I took photos of you."

What he said was true, but Emelia felt goosebumps all over her body.

She was really not used to Julian's sweet words.

In the past, in Emelia's heart, he had always been cold and not good at speaking. Not only was he not good at speaking, he didn't even know how to speak softly. It was even more impossible for him to speak sweet words.

She felt very uncomfortable and complained to him in a muffled voice, "Delete it. You have violated the right of my image!"

At the thought of the picture of her sleeping being kept in his phone by Julian, Emelia felt bad. He really didn't have a quiet time.

In the face of her complaint, Julian just narrowed his deep eyes slightly and said lazily, "If I remember correctly, you also posted a photo of me with my back towards you on Twitter, without my permission."

Emelia was rendered speechless by him. She had not expected him to use that to block her.

Just when she didn't know what to say, he raised his eyebrows and complained discontentedly, "I'm only keeping it myself for appreciation, but you've made the whole Internet appreciate my figure."

Emelia was both awkward and passive. There was no one who could match up to him in a verbal battle.

She didn't have the confidence to ask him to delete the photo again, so she had to look away and complain to him in a low voice, "Julian, why haven't I ever found out that you are so vengeful?"

This time, it was Julian turn to be speechless. He didn't want to delete her photos, so he used what she had done to stop her. He didn't expect she would say that.

Thinking of her gentle and soft words to Winston, Julian couldn't help saying, "You don't like me now, so every word I say or everything I do is wrong."

Emelia looked at him in disbelief. His words sounded extraordinary grievances and sorrows.

He had secretly taken photos of her, but he felt he was wronged?

Emelia didn't want to talk to him anymore. She continued to sleep in her seat, but this time she covered her face with her coat.

Julian was amused by her behavior. She was not an ordinary naive woman.

Getting off the plane and getting her luggage, Emelia pushed her suitcase and left quickly.

With Nina's previous reminder, she had brought herself sufficient equipment, sunglasses, and a mask, as well as a bucket hat with a large brim. No one could recognize her.

The reason why Emelia was able to walk so fast was because she was trying her best to get rid of Julian.

She didn't want to have any contact with Julian in public, but no matter how fast she walked, the man behind her kept a short distance from her.

Seeing that she was about to rush out of the airport lobby, the man's deep voice sounded beside her. "Take my car and go back together?"

They were neighbors, and he had a driver to pick him up. It was good to take her back together.

Emelia didn't even turn around. "No need. Mr. Johansen is here to pick me up."


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