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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 265

Julian said seriously, "But I'm happy to."

Then he emphasized again, "As long as you can fall in love with me again, anything I do is worth it."

Emelia stared blankly at him, Julian then said, "I can't always be completely ignorant of what's going on at home. When you're in good health, I can take care of you like I do now. In addition, if you have a child in the future, I won't let you be all alone. I'll learn how to cook and help you share the burden."

Emelia didn't even know if she should be moved or angry by these words.

It was really touching that he could take care of her and share the burden for her, but he still imagined that they had children. What was this?

She had repeatedly emphasized to him that there would be no children. Was he so sure that she would marry him in the future?

Thinking of this, Emelia angrily pulled over the quilt to cover herself. "I am not hungry. You can go now."

Damn, she was so pissed by him.

Julian helplessly hugged her and said, "I'll bring it in for you."

As he spoke, he got up and went out. Emelia felt that her stomach was just a little uncomfortable, not that she was seriously ill and could not get out of bed. It was too wayward for asking him to bring the meal, so she got up and come out.

Sitting down at the dining table and looking at the exquisite breakfast in front of her, Emelia still couldn't believe that it was made by Julian, so she couldn't help asking, "Did you really make this?"

He roasted the vomit, made a slippery egg, fried bacon, and prepare some fruits. Emelia really couldn't imagine how cold he so such things.

Julian said proudly, "Next time, you can stay with me in the kitchen and see me cook in person."

He had thought that cooking would be a very complicated thing, but it seemed much easier after he done it. Based on his talent and character, there was nothing in the world that could make things difficult for him.

In fact, as long as he was willing to do anything, he would not feel much rejection.

In the past, he did not like cooking because he had no motivation. Now, he was full of interest. Because when he thought of the food that he cooked personally could make her full of happiness, he was much willing to cook.

Emelia sighed with emotion. "As if you are a nanny."

Julian was speechless.

He was waiting for her to praise him, but she described him as nanny.

Sharp pen, sharp tongue.

He gave Emelia a half-smile. "You really have a way with pissing me off."

Emelia knew that she couldn't put down his enthusiasm at this time, so she quickly lowered her head and took a bite, giving him a pertinent evaluation. "It is really good."

Only then did the expression on Julian's face relax. Their quiet breakfast officially started.

Julian heated some milk for Emelia and poured himself a cup of coffee. He took a sip and said with a frown, "It's too bad."

Emelia was speechless.

He was criticizing himself?

Julian put down his coffee cup and looked at her with a complicated look in his eyes. "How could you make it so delicious?"

Emelia lowered her eyes.


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