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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 271

After Nina finished speaking, the crowd immediately started discussing amongst themselves.

"She deserves it."

"Emelia is now a member of the Longerich family. Her ex-husband must have regretted it, right?"

"I really want to know who that shameless mistress is. This is so funny."

Nina glanced at Yvonne. Seeing that she was very angry but had to pretend to be calm, she felt too happy. She loved to see plots of exposing tricks made by bad people. Yvonne shot herself in the foot.

Emelia's mood was as good as hers, and her smile became even brighter. She looked not as embarrassed as Yvonne had imagined.

Nina continued to expose more details that made Yvonne even more embarrassed. "The most ironic thing is that Emelia's ex-husband only learned of her excellence after the divorce. Right now, he's desperately pursuing Emelia and asking her for a second marriage."

Everyone was very surprised. "Really? Is there such a thing?"

"I think the news has reported that Emelia's ex-husband's family background is also very good. He hasn't married anyone for such a long time after their divorce?"

She meant that a man like Emelia's ex-husband must not be shortage of women. If they divorced, there must be many women willing to be his wife. She did not expect that his ex-husband would pursue Emelia again.

Nina pretended to be mysterious and said, "Do you know how much her ex-husband is trying to please her? Everyone knows that her ex-husband's family background is very good. In the past, he was served by others and didn't do any housework. Now, he's learning how to cook for Emelia."

Everyone was stunned.

Julian was learning to cook for Emelia?

Yvonne was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

How was this possible?

Julian was such a proud and noble young master. How could he cook?

Everyone exclaimed in surprise. Emelia didn't say anything and slowly ate the food in front of her. She and Nina really had a tacit understanding.

Nina knew that it was hard for her to show off her, so she spoke up for her.

After everyone sighed, someone asked Emelia, "Your ex-husband is chasing you so sincerely. Will you reconcile with him?"

Emelia smiled and replied, "No. Right now, I'm focused on my career."

Emelia didn't lie. She just answered the question truthfully, but judging from her calm attitude, she didn't seem to take Julian's hard work seriously at all. Yvonne gnashed her teeth in hatred.

Yvonne tried her best to please Julian, but she didn't get any response from him. But Emelia had completely ignored the sincerity of Julian. How could she be so arrogant!

Yvonne felt like she was about to cry from anger. Emelia was too hateful.

She had never imagined that Julian would be so humble for Emelia.

In the past, he hadn't even wanted to look at Emelia at all. But now, he had let go of his pride and gone all out to curry favor with her. Did he still love his dignity?

After Emelia finished speaking, Sydney said to her, "I didn't expect that although you seem mild, you can actually be so decisive in giving up such an excellent man. But I think you don't lack excellent suitors now. You are the daughter of the Longerich family. Your families must have introduced a lot of excellent gentlemen to you, right?"

"Yes." Emelia thought of Winston Hopkins, whom Vincent eagerly wanted to recommend to her. For a moment, she also felt a little annoyed.


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