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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 280

Just as she took off only for a while, Emelia seemed to have thought of something, and she turned around and instructed Julian, "Clean up your things later. Don't wait until Winston comes."

Julian thought to himself, "What the hell?"

For the past few days, the reason why Julian had moved his things little by little into Emelia's house was to increase his sense of existence. And now, she asked him to move them all away?

Julian had thought that by moving in little by little, Emelia would have noticed it. Actually, she had discovered it long ago, but she hadn't been in the mood to pay attention to his charade. But now that she was to cater for Winston at home, he had to move away.

"I'll go shopping with you first." Julian changed the topic.

Emelia shook her head and said, "No need. Maisie will come and report to you later, right?"

In the past few days, in order to reduce the impact of Gerhard and Heather's past incident on the Hughes Family, Julian had not shown up in public for a long time. Therefore, Maisie or David would come to report to him about company's affairs every morning.

Emelia added, "I can go shopping by myself, but I have to borrow your car."

Usually, Emelia didn't need a car when she went out, but he had to purchase today, so going with a car was more convenient.

Julian agreed quickly, "I'll ask Maisie to go to my house and drive your white BMW here."

The Land Rover parked outside was not suitable for women.

Emelia lowered her eyes and said, "Whatever."

Julian noticed the change in her mood. He walked over and held her in his arms, asking, "Don't you like that car?"

"It's not that." For Emelia, a car was just a substitute. The white BMW that Julian had mentioned was given to her as a present by Grandpa Hughes. She didn't want to drive it now because she felt that it would remind her of the past. It was not that she didn't like the car.

Julian saw that she didn't speak and quickly said, "I'll buy you a new one."

"There is no need. I'll just drive the car." Emelia felt that sometimes, she couldn't easily communicate with Julian. What she cared about was completely different from what he cared about.

Julian stared at her for a while, and he could still feel that she cared about him. So he hugged her and said, "Since we can't give up the past, let's choose to hug the past and reconcile with it, okay?"

Julian wanted to persuade her to forget about the sad past and forgive him.

Emelia did not do as he wished. She looked up at him with a frown and said, "I could have had a good farewell with the past."

The implication behind her words was that it was precisely because Julian had harassed her so that she had fallen into a predicament where she couldn't part with the past. She had originally been determined to steer clear of the past.

Her words made Julian speechless, but he couldn't do anything to her.

Twenty minutes later, Maisie drove Emelia's original car over. Emelia drove out to purchase. Julian discussed work with Maisie.

However, not long after the two of them started, Julian received call from Randolph again.

Julian didn't want to have any more contact with the Sullivan family, so he simply hung up.

However, Randolph soon called him again. Julian answered indifferently, "Mr. Sullivan, what's the matter?"

Randolph sighed on the phone and said, "Julian, I know that I exposed your parents' things, which made you very angry..."

As soon as Randolph finished speaking, he was interrupted by Julian. "I'm sorry, I'm not angry. To put it bluntly, that's their business. It has nothing to do with me and does not affect me at all."

Randolph was silent for a few seconds, but then he regained his composed manner and said, "But haven't you been solitary recently? Besides, the Hughes Group has lost several projects. How can you say it does not affect you at all?"


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