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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 284

Yvonne covered her burning face and clenched her teeth.

She was not afraid of Matt. Her father would protect her. Matt did not dare to do anything to her, but she hated everyone.

She hated Julian, Emelia, Matt, and everyone else. She hated them for pushing her into such a situation, especially when she thought of how she had been tarnished by Matt, she felt that it was better to die than to live.

Yvonne was on the verge of collapse. She struggled to calm herself down. She used the phone in the room to call her mother for help, but after her mother answered the phone, she heard her mother crying on the phone before she could speak.

"Yvonne, where are you now? I called you many times but I couldn't get you. Something happened to your father!" Rosalind choked with sobs.

Yvonne was shocked and quickly asked, "What's wrong with my dad?"

Rosalind cried and said, "Didn't you see the news? Your father's companion in the Capital was arrested. Just now, your father was also taken away by the police."

"What?" Yvonne sat down on the ground, her face as pale as paper.

The backer of her father in the Capital... was caught?

That meant that her father's backer had fallen, which meant his father had no one to rely on anymore, and that she would have nothing left from in the future...

How did that happen?

How could it be like that!

How come the man in the Capital was caught so easily?

When Rosalind heard Yvonne's silence, she started scolding her on the phone, "I've advised you not to argue with Julian for a long time, and I've also advised you not to compete with Emelia anymore. What should we do now? You keep fighting, and everyone will suffer with you!"

"The Longerich family must have done something to the partner in the Capital. Julian must have done something to your father because of you!" Rosalind was on the edge of collapse, "What the heck are you thinking? Destroying our entire family? Are you happy now?"

Randolph had been working in the financial industry for the past few years, what he did was not entirely legal. There was no way that Rosalind, as Randolph's lover, was not implicated in this.

There was nothing wrong with their family in the past because they had been protected and no one investigated them.

But their family had no one to rely on in the future, they would be thoroughly investigated. At that time, all the property and real estate would be confiscated, and they would definitely sleep on the street!

Yvonne was already in a desperate mood, but after being scolded by Rosalind like that, she was so angry that her vision went black, and she fell straight to the ground and fainted.

Yvonne never thought that she would have such a miserable day. She had originally expected her father to protect her. After all, she had wanted to hurt Matt. She did not expect that Julian and Vincent would be so ruthless that her family and the backer would fall at once.

On that day, there were several headlines about the Sullivan family online.

"Randolph was taken away for investigation"; "Yvonne Sullivan's Crazy Night in Hotel"; "Yvonne and Matt"... All within expectation.

The news of Yvonne's sex thing was exposed. It was said that Yvonne fainted in the hotel and was discovered by the cleaner. The staff quickly called an ambulance to send her to the hospital, which made the news spread even quicker.

Then, someone dug out the video of the hotel. First, Yvonne and Matt were having dinner in the hotel restaurant in an ambiguous manner, and then they went into the elevator, hugging each other. Some people said that Yvonne used her ID cards and checked in the hotel.

Therefore, the news that Yvonne and Matt had sex until her passed out hit the top of What's Trending. After all, so many people in Riverside City knew that Matt had some sexual kinks, so everyone thought that Yvonne fainted because of the sex.

Yvonne's reputation had not been very good before, and it just got completely ruined with the scandal.

Time returned to a few hours ago, after Julian had saved Emelia.

On another continent.

The man in his thirties answered a phone call. The man on the phone reported to him, "Boss, Yvonne's plan failed. Julian saved Emelia."


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