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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 287

Turning back to the ward, Vincent asked his daughter seriously, "You and he now..."

Emelia's mood was very complicated. For a moment, she didn't know how to describe her current relationship with Julian.

Originally, they were just physically related, but Julian saved her.

Julian kicked the door of the room and rushed toward her. He held her in his arms and went to the hospital. He had been waiting for her with her hand in his by her side, how could she not feel anything at all?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Vincent couldn't help but frown and said, "Are you thinking that since he has saved you, you want to repay him?"

Emelia immediately laughed. "Dad, you are too scary."

There was no need to repay the kindness. It was modern society.

She was very grateful that Julian had saved her, but she had experienced marriage, so she was less impulsive. She would not agree to marry Julian just because she was moved.

Vincent breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

Emelia said to Vincent in a low voice with some emotion, "One day, if I get married again, I will definitely get your permission. No one told me before that what kind person is worth living with me for the rest of my life. I used to think that love is the standard, but who knew..."

Emelia was not sad at all. Instead, she looked up at Vincent with dependence. "Help me it in the future. I believe I will be happy."

Her words made Vincent's eyes wet. He raised his hand and gently rubbed her head. "Good girl."

The father and daughter were full of emotions. While Julian, who was standing outside the door with a kettle in his hand, felt extremely sad.

From Emelia's words, he could tell that the day remarrying Emelia was still far-fetched. It could also be said that she had no intention of falling in love or getting married at all.

Otherwise, she would not have proposed the idea of maintaining a mere physical relationship. He finally knew her thought. She just wanted to sleep with him. That was all.

Calming himself down, Julian knocked on the door and walked in with the kettle.

He poured some water into the cup and tested the temperature before passing the water to Emelia.

Vincent watched him do all that silently. The noble president seemed to be able to take care of people with ease.

According to Vincent's previous understanding of Julian, he thought that Julian knew nothing about taking care of people. This was also one of the reasons why Vincent didn't want to let Emelia and Julian reunite.

When Vincent thought of how his precious daughter would have to take care of Julian like before, his was filled with anxiety.

With her daughter surviving, Vincent wanted to hire a few nannies to take care of his daughter, so that she could live a happy life as a princess.

It was just that Emelia didn't want that. However, Vincent couldn't allow her to take care of Julian anymore.

But Vincent didn't know that during this period of time, he had been taking care of Emelia while staying at home with her, not allowing her to do anything.

Everyone would change, and Julian really wanted to change.

After Emelia finished drinking the water, Julian put the cup of water away and said to Vincent beside him, "Mr. Longerich, go back and have a rest. I'll stay and take care of Emelia."

He didn't want to leave Emelia for a second and thus refused. Vincent didn't know what to say.

Emelia also said, "Dad, you can go and have a rest."

Vincent had no choice but to get up and leave after giving a few more words of advice. Julian asked a driver to send Vincent to the hotel.


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