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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 334

As Eric had killed himself by jumping off the cliff, no one could be held responsible for Caroline's death.

When the police found Eric down the cliff, he was already dead. His men were soon arrested. From them, the police knew what Eric had
done in recent days, from how Yvonne Sullivan was poisoned and then illusioned to crash into Julian and Emelia's car to how Rosalind
Longman and Caroline died.

Rosalind was also poisoned by Eric, who revealed his identity to Rosalind and then told her how he would carry out his revenge. After
knowing such an evil plan and the story behind it, Rosalind lost control of her own body and jumped into the sea.

And the poison Eric used would evaporate quickly in cold water. Therefore, the police found no poison within her body since her body
had already been soaked in the sea for a long time.

Since Caroline died of drugs, the Hughes family only held a simple funeral for her.

Julian fell ill and had to stay in his bed after Caroline was buried. Then he even became racked by high fever for days.

As his friend and a doctor, Arthur checked his situation and said to Ezra and Phil, "Julian was actually fine. He might have fallen ill only
because he was in extreme sorrow.’

And they all know why he was so sad.

In the letter for Julian, Emelia hinted that she was determined to break up with him. After Emelia left, Julian didn't receive a phone call

or a single message from her. He really got no enough energy to do anything else after he had arranged Caroline's funeral.

Ezra and Phil looked quite worried, "Then what could we do now?"

Grandpa Hughes was now old and Heather was having a mental breakdown due to Caroline's death. It was said that Gerhard Hughes,
who was now abroad, was also seriously injured due to the kidnapping case. He didn't even show up on Caroline's funeral.

Now the three friends of Julian's were the only ones staying beside his bed.

Seeing how Julian suffered now, they all felt sorry for him.

With his eyes fixed on the poor man in coma on the bed, Ezra said, "Coward! We've experienced life and death together but now he is
lying on his bed like a coward just for a woman!"

Phil didn't like Ezra's attitude towards women and love, "You could say that just because it doesn't happen to you. If someday the
woman you love dumps you, you may fall sick just as Julian does now.’

Ezra sniffed, "It's just a woman. He can find a new one."

The moment he finished his words, someone knocked on the door and then walked in. It was Maisie Brennan.

Phil instantly threw a glance at Ezra. Now Maisie was Ezra's lover, and she must have heard what Ezra had just said. Phil expected that
a quarrel may break out between them.

But things didn't go as what Phil had expected. But it turned out that he didn't know what kind of person Maisie was. She didn't appear
angry at all and only put a few files onto the desk, "I'm here to deliver a few documents to you."

Julian was in the hospital, but he also needed to deal with some business affairs when he was sober. Now Maisie and David Brennan were in charge of the Hughes Group's daily operation, but there are still some documents that needed Julian's signature.

Maisie put down the files and asked a few questions to Ezra about Julian's situation before she was going to leave.

Phil said to her smilingly, "Now you look really like a competent manager, Ms. Brennan. No matter who's going to marry you in future, he must be a lucky boy.’

"Thank you for your praise, Mr. Henderson,’ Maisie knew that he was actually saying these words to Ezra. So, she only replied in a low yet polite voice and left.

Ezra wouldn't marry her no matter how hard Phil persuaded them.

Phil admired Maisie from the bottom of his heart, "Though she is of no prominent background, she is outstanding as a business leader.
She could help you to run your company."


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