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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 360

Julian looked at the old lady with a lean face. "You pushed her in all sorts of ways, couldn't wait to bring her to the doctor, couldn't wait to get back together with her, but did you ever think about her feelings?" Frances said bluntly

"The more you push her, the more anxious she gets inside and the more stressed she gets."

"She's not the type to cry or make a scene, so she'll only keep all her bitterness bottled up in her heart. Won't she suffocate herself?"

Although Frances had never met Emelia and Julian, she had heard Abigail talk about them. Although it was a few words, it was enough for her to figure out Emelia's character.

She was soft-hearted, not good with words or spilling her guts, so no wonder her so-called mother-in-law gave her a hard time.

The most critical thing was that she was still in love with Julian, so it was desperate and painful for her to learn that she couldn't give birth to for the man she loved.

On the contrary, Julian was pressing her too much.

To outsiders, Julian's undying love was romantic, but to her, it was over-stressed, right?

Frances's words caused Julian to fall into the sofa as if his strength drained from his body.

He knew he had pushed Emelia too hard, but he couldn't control himself.

Only at this moment did he come to his senses when he heard the reason for Emelia's illness.

Remorsefully pinching his forehead hard, he scolded himself repeatedly, "It's my fault. It's all my fault. I was too selfish."

"No more treatment. I'll take her back when she gets better. I'll let her go back to the Capital and won't see her again for a short time." Julian wished for nothing but her health, even if she didn't return to him.

He only wanted her to be healthy and safe.

When Julian made his decision, Frances reprimanded, "I'll attend her now that she's here, or you will torture her again."

Abigail asked joyfully, "So she will recover?"

"All I can say is that I'll do my best." Frances said in a gruff voice, "Her mother must have suffered a lot when she was pregnant since she is so weak and has a low intolerance of coldness. To be benign in gynecology, we have first to get her body's foundation in order."

Julian thought of Emelia's mother. She must have been desperate since Vincent had no news back then, and an unmarried girl with a big belly must be ashamed to see others. How could the child in her belly get well if she could not eat or sleep well?

Frances added, "If possible, it would be best for her to stay with me for a while so that it is convenient for me to take her pulse and treat her every day." Julian hurriedly said, "he is a freelance scriptwriter, so that's great." He said it because he felt it was suitable for Emelia.

However, Frances grunted, "Young man, you should make fewer decisions for her. How do you know she wants to stay?"

Her words depressed Julian, but he could refute nothing.

Frances was right. He should never make decisions for her in an unjust manner again. If he hadn't insisted on bringing her here, she wouldn't get the illness.

No wonder she was reluctant when he introduced her to the doctor at Arthur's office. Whereas he thought she was being too negative and threatened her harshly back then.

He was really evil.

Abigail saw Julian fall back into self-blame and warmly reassured, "Don't overthink first. Wait for Emelia to wake up."


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