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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 407

Emelia had a sound sleep, so she was naturally unaware of what Julian did.

The next morning, Emelia was woken up by Julian's kiss. She tried to push him away and asked, "What time is it?"

"I don't know," Julian replied, leaned over, pressed Emelia against the bed, and continued to kiss her.

No matter what time it was, they must do something more important in bed.

Emelia pushed him and said, "I'm going to visit Maisie today..."

Julian looked at her and said dissatisfiedly, "We finally get Larry caught. You should agree to my demand."

Emelia said helplessly, "We spend 24 hours a day with each other. What do you want then?"

Julian didn't answer her question but began to take off her clothes.

Emelia resisted. "No..."

It always took a long time for Julian to ejaculate. Emelia had promised to make something delicious for Maisie to nourish her body. Emelia didn't want to spend a few more hours in bed.

However, Julian didn't compromise at all. He had been celibate for the past two years. Emelia was finally willing to make love with him now, so he must take advantage of each second.

Of course, Julian would give Emelia a good orgasm.

Considering that Emelia had almost been kidnapped, Julian didn't ask for it last night. But now, they have plenty of time to enjoy themselves.

Maisie was suffering from period pains. But it was not a big deal.

In an hour, Maisie called Emelia twice, but Julian hung up.

After that, Emelia didn't ring anymore. Emelia felt that Maisie must know what she and Julian were doing, so Maisie didn't want to bother them.

Thinking of this, Emelia felt extremely embarrassed. She grabbed Julian's broad shoulders and scratched them hard. The next second, she blushed.

Emelia thought Julian's groans sounded very sexy.

At eleven o'clock, Julian gave Emelia a ride to Maisie's house.

Maisie was on vacation, so Julian went to the company to handle some affairs after Emelia got out of the car.

The Hughes Group had an office in Grafstin. After Maisie came, to build the chip industrial park, Julian asked Maisie to expand the office into a branch office with Maisie in charge of it. Having worked as Julian's assistant for so many years, Maisie was capable enough to operate it well.

Julian had to talk with the police about Derek, so Julian left quickly after greeting Maisie and asking about her physical state at the door.

Before Julian left, he added, "Call me whenever you need help."

Maisie was moved with tears in her eyes. She was grateful that Julian always regarded her and David as his family and took good care of them.

After Julian left, Maisie said to Emelia, "Mr. Hughes is so nice to David and me. Although he is not good at expressing himself, we can feel his care for us."

Maisie was very touched by what Julian said.

Maisie was convinced that Julian would stand with her rather than Ezra if he knew about the baby.


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