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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 442

Julian put on his clothes and went outside to make a call. Emelia didn't know how he would quell the scandal, and she couldn't know his way.

She didn't pay attention to it. After all, Julian wouldn't cheat her.

She was so bored that she took her mobile phone to look at the online comments, lying on the bed. She had to admit that some people's words were worse.

Harry's fans were madly scolding her, saying that she robbed the cradle and was shameless.

Emelia couldn't help rolling her eyes. The word was also suitable for her, but she was the cradle because Julian was the one who robbed the cradle.

Some scolded Harry for his bad character. He even sold his charms to get the role. Others went to the official Twitter of "I Gotta Find You" to complain that Harry used improper ways to get the role and asked the crew to change him.

Emelia was even more speechless about this. Harry's family had a factory. He was a second rich generation. No matter how he would not be reduced to relying on sleeping with someone to get his role.

If Harry wanted to act, in an impolite manner, he could invest in the crew.

And this time, although she recommended Hero as the hero, the final decision was made by Trevor, the director, and the mysterious investors behind Trevor. Her current position in the screenwriting industry was not enough for her to manipulate the cast.

Even a famous figure like her teacher Kelaina Salkowski had to compromise with the investors sometimes.

What Emelia didn't expect was that there were still some people who shipped Harry and her. They also said that the young but sexy boyfriend portraited by Harry in the romantic drama with Nina had left a deep impression in their hearts.

Now, in reality, it was the same kind of sister-brother love as in the drama. They felt excited, so they strongly support Harry being with her.

When Emelia was looking at these comments, Nina called.

"Have you discussed with your Julian how to do public relations?" Nina asked this because she knew that Emelia and Julian had a good relationship now. When Emelia was involved in this trouble, she must discuss with Julian how to deal with it.

Emelia answered truthfully, "He went out to make a phone call. I don't know what he would do."

Nina said, "People who worked in magazines called and let me ask you what's going on. The magazine with the cover of our photograph will be pre-ordered soon. They are worried that the gossip will affect the sales."

If Nina didn't say it, Emelia would have forgotten the magazine. She was so shocked that she quickly got up from bed and asked, "If it has a bad influence on the sales, what are our responsibilities?"

Nina smiled and said easily, "Of course, we don't have to bear the responsibility. We're not responsible for their sales."

However, although Nina said so, Emelia also knew that if it reduced magazine sales, GLAUCOUS would lose face.

Nina said jokingly, "You don't need to have the pressure of sales at all. As long as you ask, Julian will buy all of them. At that time, they will be sold out during pre-order."

Although Nina comforted her, Emelia still felt guilty, "I'm sorry. I didn't expect such a thing to happen at such a critical juncture. Please say sorry on my behalf to the magazine."

"Didn't you say that Julian takes charge of handling this matter? We should believe in his ability that he will solve it." What was Julian's identity? If he couldn't handle this little thing well, how could he lead the Hughes Group to go through difficulties?

"When I meet that bitch Tara next time, I have to tear her mouth." After Nina thought of Tara, she was so angry. "She's not only against you but also me."

"Last time, Tara and I both fought for the endorsement opportunity of Lorlene Jewelry. She was certainly upset for losing to me. She kept thinking of some tricks against me. It happened that the magazine is going to be ordered in advance. It can be said dealing with two people at one stroke."

Emelia knew that, but she didn't expect Tara would seek revenge for the smallest grievance like this.


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