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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 461

Emelia wasn't interested in how others blamed Tara. The latter asked for it.

However, she was worried about Heather, wondering if Heather couldn't bear the public's blame. Heather was always a proud, aggressive woman. How could she tolerate others scolding her? Besides, many curses were really vicious.

Julian seemed not to care. "She won't care about others' curses. When she wanted to make a fuss about this event, she should have thought about the consequences like this."

Emelia nodded. "I hope so."

The highway wasn't packed at night. The four drove more than two hours, finally arriving at the police station where Heather was.

Emelia was too sleepy, so she napped in the car. Julian draped his coat on her shoulders when she got down to prevent her from getting a cold.

Emelia hurriedly gave it back to him. "I don't feel cold. You can't catch a cold, Julian."

Then she raised her head and whispered, "Are you tired?"

"No, I'm not." Julian could see the concerns in her eyes. He was refreshed.

He was worried about her. She didn't feel well, but she had to accompany him all the way here to deal with Heather's matter. Julian felt guilty, holding her hand tight while striding into the police station with his lawyer.

In the police station, Heather was sitting there calmly. Tara looked miserable and haggard in frustration.

When the policemen took Heather and Tara to the police station, Tara burst into tears. She cried in regret and fear.

She begged Heather while shedding tears, "Mrs. Hughes. Lady! Please. You are a generous woman. Please let go of me.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have driven a wedge between you and Emelia Jones. It won't happen again..."

Tara had utterly ignored the policemen in the office and her public image.

She only wished to leave here to avoid this incident from being spread widely.

On the way from the coffee shop to the police station, she contacted her sugar daddy, whom she had just hooked up with, asking him to help her suppress the news.

She kept browsing Twitter. Seeing her negative news didn't appear online, she breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, she asked Heather to forgive her while shedding tears. If this matter went viral, she didn't think her sugar daddy could be against Julian and his Hughes Group. Once what she had done was exposed online, her reputation would be tarnished, and so would her career in the entertainment business.

Tara was indeed regretful. If she could turn back the time, she would remind herself not to provoke Heather as she was a tough nut to crack.

"Mrs. Hughes?" Heather ignored Tara's crocodile tears. "Didn't you call me an old hag? I don't deserve to be called Mrs. Hughes."

She had seen many women like Tara, who like shedding tears to show their weakness. Hence, she wasn't moved at all. She knew Tara cried not because she regretted what she had done. Instead, it was because Tara had no way out.

Heather also knew that for such a kind woman, if she couldn't learn a lesson, she would take revenge in the future for sure.

Tara cried more loudly, "It's my bad. I'm not good at words. Please forgive me, Ms. Duncan."

Heather retorted with a stern look, "You asked for it."

Before Tara spoke again, she continued, "Tara White, I'm not in the mood to talk to you. You should know I'm not a kind-hearted woman. Stop acting."

Then Heather sat in the chair, ignoring Tara.


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