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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 478

Julian didn't plan to listen to Heather's advice. He planned to take Emelia to the hospital tomorrow and the doctor would explain everything.

So, he said faintly to Heather, "Take care, I got to go now."

"Well..." Heather stopped him, wanting to say something, but Julian had hung up.

Heather felt at a loss.

She wanted to ask Julian if she could visit Emelia. She was thrilled to hear that Emelia was pregnant. with twins.

But later she thought, fortunately, Julian hung up, otherwise he would mock her.

She used to be harsh to Emelia. She had even slapped Emelia because she couldn't have children. Now she was trying to please Emelia after Emelia got pregnant. Julian would surely mock her.

Thinking of these, Heather calmed down a lot.

She told herself that she'd better avoid being too annoying. From now on, she would pray for Emelia and the two children.

It was twins!

Such good news!

Julian had another person to deal with, Tara.

Tara was sent to the hospital after she hit Emelia that day. She hasn't been discharged yet because she was seriously injured. However, Julian had sued Tara for deliberately hurting people and asked Phil to send her the lawyer's letter.

Julian had sent people to spy on Tara. Tara must be crazy. The first thing she did after she got better was to log in on her Twitter account telling everyone that Emelia couldn't have children.

Julian didn't stop her. Instead, he asked someone to stir up the discussion of the topic. In this way, when he released Emelia's B-ultrasound report later, Tara would become a joke.

She would be painful at that time, which would be joyful for them to watch.

He can also take this opportunity to announce Emelia's pregnancy. He believed that if everybody in the city knew that they had children, Emelia wouldn't reject him again the next time he proposed.

Tara went crazy in the hospital because her face was destroyed.

Maybe it was retribution. Her left face was cut by the broken glass when she hit Emelia. There was a long scar from the bridge of her nose to the root of her ear.

When she first woke up in the hospital bed, the nurse only told her that her right hand was broken so she could not move. At that time, she wondered why her half face was in a bandage when she had only broken her right hand.

When the nurse opened the gauze on her face to apply for the medicine, she realized that something was wrong. Because her left face was in burning pain. She screamed and forced the nurse to hand her the mirror.

She fainted when she saw the ferocious scar on her face.

For a woman like her who seduces men with her beauty, having a scar on her face was worse than killing her.

Her career ended because of her bad reputation and since then she had living on his beauty. Now her face was ruined, she was over.


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