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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 503

After bringing Emelia's chicken soup, Heather didn't come to her again. Probably she was disappointed by Julian this time.

Emelia still led a simple life. She had finished several chapters of "Waiting For You, My Future". After a thought, she posted it on her Twitter page to see the readers' feedback.

She hadn't signed with any novel app for this book yet. Vincent introduced a publisher to her, suggesting she publish the book. If any directors or investors were interested in the book, they would ask her for the copyright.

After carefully checking on the two chapters, Emelia posted them and went to shower. However, when she checked on her phone after it, she saw a trending topic -- "The screenwriter of 'Princess Leilania' plagiarized for her new book."

Emelia was confused. Of course, she didn't plagiarize.

She only wrote more than two thousand words, each by herself. How could she plagiarize?

She read the post, only to find that the person who slandered her for plagiarism was Olivia.

Olivia wrote on her Twitter:

"Emelia Jones and I attended a training program for young screenwriters before. We stayed in the same room. I knew she had been the screenwriter for 'Princess Leilania' and was experienced in this industry. So I show her my script and asked her for advice. My story is about the life of a girl from university to marriage. I didn't expect her to plagiarize the content from my script."

She also attached a picture to highlight the so-called plagiarized contents with colors.

Emelia clicked to open the picture. She was so angry that her hands trembled.

Olivia also posted a picture of the so-called "evidence". Actually, she just copied a few passages from Emelia's original script and randomly modified a few words, but she claimed that it was Emelia that had copied her script.

However, that wasn't the content in the script that Olivia showed her before.

Emelia's story was written based on the actual events between Nina and Cameron. In the beginning, she wrote a plot about how Nina met Cameron.

When Nina was at school, she was a famous spicy girl. Cameron was a straight A-student and handsome, so the bad students disliked him.

One day, when the school was over, the bad students stopped Cameron in an alley and wanted to bully him, but Nina and Emelia saw them when bypassing the place.

Nina had a crush on Cameron. Seeing the slim boy was pushed onto the wall by a bad student, Nina immediately rushed up protectively to save Cameron.

After teaching those bad students a lesson, Nina trapped Cameron between her chest and the wall, raising one side of her eyebrow, "Cameron Dauster, my name is Nina Sanchez. I rescued you today. Fate has stitched us together. We're meant to meet each other." It was quite hilarious.

Emelia put all the details in the book. How could it be plagiarism?

Even if Olivia had such a scene in her play script, Nina's words to Cameron and her behaviors wouldn't be the same.

Moreover, Emelia still remembered that the male and the female leading roles met each other on the teaching building's roof in Olivia's script.

Emelia pinched her phone, taking several breaths to calm herself down. It wasn't worth being angry with such a nasty person as Olivia.


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