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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 536

Sherlyn was determined to separate Nina and Douglas "Anyway, stay away from Douglas!" She was almost yelling at the end. "And I don't want to hear you saying things like marrying Douglas. You will kill me, seriously."

Sherlyn felt like Nina looked sick recently. She didn't know why.

One day after drinking, Nina said she was tired. She would like to get married and stop working as an actress. And she said Douglas was a good choice. He was handsome and rich. And since she didn't love him, she won't be hurt."

Sherlyn was pissed off hearing this. Every woman wanted their man to be devoted, yet Nina wanted the opposite.

She must be out of her mind.

Thinking of Nina's words, Sherlyn got angry again. "Douglas is far from being good enough for you."

Nina rubbed her ears, feeling bored. "Alright, alright! Just leave this to me."

"My mother wouldn't care about who I marry." she then added wryly.

Nina was just a tool to produce money in her mother's eyes. Her parents didn't care about who her husband would be, as long as he was rich.

The only thing they cared about was money.

As long as their son can live freely, everything was fine, including marrying Nina to an old man, which they had done once. Or, in other words, selling.

Sherlyn knew about Nina's ridiculous parents. She said to Nina with pity, "Nina, you are at the age of getting married. I don't mind that you suddenly marry someone and quit your career. I'm just afraid that you would choose the wrong person."

After years of thriving in the industry, Nina was now rich and famous. She wouldn't need anyone to support her for the rest of her life.

But money didn't represent real happiness. Sherlyn wished Nina to marry the right person and enjoy the rest of her life.

"Sherlyn, I got what you mean. Thank you." Nina knew that Sherlyn was seriously caring for her. So, she became more serious.

Sherlyn grunted, "Better! I'd prefer to see you single than with a random person.

Speaking of which, is it nice to be single? Just like me. I have my career and my money. I can do whatever I want.

Sherlyn was 37 or so, about the same age as Viggo.

It was too late for a woman to be in a relationship at such an age.

Sherlyn was not in a hurry. Instead, she was enjoying her life to the fullest.

Nina smiled, "Yup, it's super! You are my role model."

Sherlyn smiled too. "But we are different. I didn't meet any guys that I like. You are still young. You still have the chance."

Such as Cameron.

Then, Sherlyn talked about the business with Nina. "By the way. 'Princess Leilania' crew is about to hold a conference in a couple of days. I've asked for two days of leaves for you. You can go back to participate."


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