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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 540

After the dinner ended, Colleen asked Joshua, "Did you talk to Cameron? What did he say?"

Joshua decided to cover up the thing that Cameron took 1 million from Nina in order not to drive his sister crazy. "Cameron is about 30 years old. He can mind his own business. I think you'd better leave him alone," he said.

"What?" Colleen was shocked, "You told me to leave him alone?"

She thought Joshua was able to persuade Cameron to change his mind.

Joshua didn't answer her, but talked to Randall who was standing beside them. "The weather is pleasant lately, I think you two should take a walk, even a trip."

Randall nodded, "I think so."

Randall understood what Joshua meant in split second. Joshua must have suffered a setback. Joshua just didn't want to ruffle her feathers by unfolding the whole story.

"Joshua, wait," Colleen still wanted to say something, but Joshua had already walked away.

She stared angrily at Joshua's back and gave Randall a sullen glare. Then she slowly walked out of the restaurant with a hand in her chest.

As for Cameron, he slowly walked with his grandparents. Cameron knew no one could accuse him of anything in front of his grandparents.

Cameron acted like as if nothing happened. He asked, "Grandma, what drama are you watching lately?"

His grandma was a huge fan of TV stars and dramas. She loved watching all kinds of TV series since young. Now she had plenty of time on watching TV.

Plus, she was open-minded about all kinds of dramas.

Grandma couldn't help laughing when it comes to TV dramas, "I binge watched a lot."

"For instance, 'Princess Leilania' is very engaging," she then ate her words, "no, no, it's fantastic!"

"The development of the plot is so thrilling and convincing. And the acting is not bad. Especially the leading actress, I love the role she plays."

Cameron smiled at grandma's praise for Nina. But he still didn't say a word, for he didn't know if grandma was sounding him out or simply paying compliments.

After all, his grandparents knew about the thing between him and Nina.

Even though they didn't say anything about it, it didn't mean that they were fond of her. Cameron thought the right move was to wait and see.

Without his reply, grandma changed the topic, "well, I heard that there is gonna be a fan meeting in a few days. I really want to be there."

Cameron was shocked. "Grandma, it isn't appropriate. The place will be jammed with people pushing and shoving. "

By the way, isn't his grandma a little bit old to be starstruck?

Grandma gave a sniff, "You are not afraid that I might be pushed or shoved. You must be thinking that I am too old for this."

Grandma asked her husband before Cameron could reply. "There is no such rule saying that an old lady can't be a fan, right?"

His grandpa asserted, "Of course no. You can go to see whoever you like."


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