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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 555

Julian, who helped Emelia pull out the chair, said without changing his face, "Michelle Byrd, female, 27 years old, studied abroad for eight years, university teacher, professional painter. The Byrd family and the Dauster family are old friends. Their relationship is very good, and she is the most favored daughter-in-law candidate in his parents' eyes."

Nina rolled her eyes.

Emelia was stunned.

Emelia first came back to her senses. The first thing she did was to pinch Julian's forearm crossly.

She had always been gentle, but this time she couldn't help. She was so angry because of his words. He was stabbing in Nina's heart.

That woman seemed to have a good relationship with Cameron's family and Emelia tried her best not to mention her so that Nina would not feel uncomfortable, but Julian came up to give them a detailed introduction.

Emelia was so pissed.

Julian took a seat beside Emelia and explained somewhat innocently, "What's wrong? Know your enemies, right?"

That's why he told Nina the woman's information in such detail.

Emelia gritted her teeth and didn't even want to talk to him.

Nina, who was on the side, finally spoke, in a very disinterested tone, "Where is my enemy?"

Julian raised his eyebrows, "So you don't want Cameron anymore?"

Nina snorted, "I mean I am invincible wherever I go and I don't even need to fight, she's already defeated.

"So, I don't need to know who she is. I don't need to know her at all."

Julian was speechless this time.

Nina is really a big star whose actions are too unreasonable. He thought she said that there was nothing to fight meant that she doesn't love Cameron anymore, so there was no need to fight with her.

Unexpectedly, she said that she was invincible. Julian felt that a woman's mind was elusive, and Nina's was even more difficult to guess. He felt more and more sympathetic to Cameron.

Nina then explained, "Of course, I don't want him now, so I don't have to know about that woman."

Nina pursed her lips and smiled brightly at Julian, "Thank you, Mr. Hughes, for being so considerate."

Nina accentuated the word "considerate", clearly mocking his meddling, and Julian immediately received dissatisfied looks from Emelia.

He hurriedly took the menu and ordered dishes with his eyes down. He just really wanted Nina to get to know that Michelle and he didn't mean to hurt her.

While Julian was ordering food, Nina casually took out her phone and randomly searched the name of Michelle Byrd on the Internet, and her information popped out quickly.

Nina looked at the artistic photo of Michelle and couldn't help sneering. It turns out that his family liked this kind of innocent and tender woman.

But what they didn't know was that although Cameron dressed up to the nines, he was actually pretty crazy in bed. That Miss Byrd might be frightened by him in bed.

Raising her hand to smooth her short hair, she closed the page and went on Twitter again.

The news and rumors about her on Twitter were still a hot topic, and Cameron's comment had been roasted as well. As always, his direct message inbox must have been crammed with all kinds of messages now.


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