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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 561

Emelia turned to Nina after she warned Julian, "Is that your mother?"

Emelia knew Nina so well that she didn't even have to check the number on Nina's screen' she could just tell from her frowning that her parents had called her.

Nina didn't deny it and then told Emelia and Julian what her younger brother and parents did. Emelia said in rage, with her hand covering her abdomen, "How could they do that?"

Emelia had always been knowing the relationship between Nina and her parents. So Nina had done whatever she could do these years.

Her younger brother had almost become a burden in her life.

Nina was just a tool for Cory to use in her parents' eyes. They didn't care what Cory had done. They had asked Nina to buy her younger brother a house and a car. And even his college tuition fee was paid by Nina.

Now, they even asked Nina to pay off the debt for Cory.

Emelia was outraged. How dare they? Nina had given them a large amount of money these days. Like Nina said, they could solve Cory's problem by simply selling one of their houses. So why did they have to resort to their daughter?

Emelia also thought that Cory should solve his problem himself. He needed to learn a lesson from this. Otherwise, he would someday have himself ruined.

Julian saw how angry Emelia was and felt sympathized with her instantly. He held Emelia in his arms and then took out his phone to show Nina he could contact others for help. Then he asked Nina lowly, "You need help?"

Julian also knew how terrible her parents were. In his eyes, Nina should ignore what her parents asked her.

Nina shook her head slightly, "Thank you, but I can handle this myself."

Now Emelia was pregnant. If Nina's parents knew Julian had helped Nina, they might come to disturb Emelia. That would be a real trouble.

Nina knew how vital the baby was to Emelia better than anyone else. She didn't want Emelia to be bothered by her parents.

Nina had undergone the hardships together with Emelia these years. Emelia was more important than her parents for her.

Emelia felt quite worried, "But if they used your past against you…"

Emelia couldn't finish her words. Nina had done a lot to make herself who she was now. She didn't want to watch her best friend be ruined by her parents.

"Whatever," Nina said slightly.

"Now I've known clearly how shameless they are. But I've also got tired of my career. So, if my parents really do so, I can choose to retire at this moment."

Nina had made her plan. After she retired, she would buy a villa in a warm place and live there until she passed away. It would be ideal to live there while surrounded by the fragrance of followers and bird warbling.


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