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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 575

"No," he answered impatiently.

Michelle seemed to be suspicious about his denial, but she could not come out with something else to say. He hangs up the phone in her silence.

Nina raised her eyebrows. She glanced at him the moment the call turned off and said, "Your childhood sweetheart called? Why don't you tell her where you are?"

Childhood sweetheart? Where did that come from?

Cameron laughed out loud at her words. What kind of childhood sweetheart was she? Yes, they had been friends as kids, but after he went to school, he soon turned out to be mature and self-disciplined. He never had anything to do with her ever since.

Sure except for some of the gatherings organized by their parents at festivals or holiday parties that he had to attend.

He had no feelings for her, and he seldom spoke to her. To him, they were just acquaintances and that was all. He just could not understand why she still liked him.

Looking at that beautiful but playful eyes in front of him, Cameron really did not know what to do.

"I said no because I do not want to bring you any trouble that could have been avoided in the first place." Cameron tried to explain to her.

He did not have much experience in dealing with women, but he instinctively felt it was better not to let her know where he was, in case she would cause trouble for Nina. Nina was a public figure. She had to undertake more than others.

Nina sneered at Cameron's words, "You have hijacked me to your room and you are afraid of causing me unnecessary trouble?"

"You do understand that if someone takes a photo of us being together, we would..." Nina stopped and pressed her lips together.

What she actually meant was that if she was photographed being in his room for a long time, they had to get married right now to keep her fame intact. But she could never say that in front of him.

Cameron raised his eyebrow, approached her, and asked, "What do we have to do? Go public?"

"As if!" Nina left with diffidence.

Cameron's expectation in his eyes got dim, but he then gathered up his emotions and asked her, "do you want to have another bowl?"

"No, thanks." Nina put down her bowl and turned away again. This time she sank herself into the sofa.

In fact, at this moment, she just wanted to lie down quietly, instead of staying with Cameron in such a nervous mind, for fear of what he would do to her and where she would fall into his trap.

She used to talk about it with Emelia before. She was too tired to be with Cameron. He was too smart for her and that made her stressed out.

Nestled on the sofa, she pinched her forehead and didn't know what to do.

While she was troubled, that man's voice came into her ears, "Have you brought the medicine? It's about time to take your medications."

Nina was not happy about it. There was nothing more hateful for her in the world than taking medications ever since she was a child. And this time the doctors were extra generous about his prescriptions. She felt that she did not need to have her dinner if she really swallowed all that pills.

So she simply ignored Cameron's words and continued to stay on the sofa with her eyes closed.

"I know you don't like those pills, but your body doesn't allow you to be capricious. "Knowing that she deliberately ignored him, Cameron simply walked and leaned over to trap her in his arms. His face looked so serious.


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