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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 596

After entering the villa, Cameron went upstairs to the bathroom. Nina began to look around the villa. After that, she took out her vanity mirror from her handbag and made up for herself.

An actress always attached great importance to her makeup.

After washing up, Cameron changed into the white shirt as Nina ordered and went downstairs. He chose the most concise one and matched it with tailored black trousers. The moment he slowly walked down the stairs, Nina felt he was just a Prince Charming.

Nina was fascinated by Cameron the first time she saw him. When he walked past her in the white school uniform, her heart was beating quite fast.

Later, covering her chest, Nina turned her head and whispered to Emelia that she wanted to chase Cameron. Emelia was so shocked that the milk tea fell on the floor with a crash.

Many years passed. Nina's affection for Cameron didn't fade at all.

To hide her nerves, Nina quickly looked away.

Cameron walked over, wrapped Nina in his arms, and said softly, "We can live here in the future. What do you think?"

"No." Nina refused without thinking. "If I live here, the paparazzi will follow me here, and then our relationship will be exposed."

"It will also disturb you." Nina was more worried about this.

"It doesn't matter. You are my wife." Cameron was overwhelmed by the joy that they were going to get the marriage licenses.

Nina felt very uncomfortable about Cameron's words, so she immediately glared at him and protested, "We haven't got..."

Before Nina could finish her words, Cameron leaned over and kissed her lips fiercely, so Nina could not speak.

Nina was held in his arms and couldn't break free. He held her so hard that he almost rubbed her into his body, which was the way he showed his desire and longing for her.

After the kiss, Nina's makeup was ruined and her clothes were wrinkled.

Nina complained angrily, "You wrinkled my shirt!"

Nina was going to be photographed in it. As a woman who always paid attention to how she looked, Nina couldn't bear to see her shirt wrinkled.

Cameron put his arm around her waist and said, "Go upstairs to the dressing room. I'll help you iron it."

Nina angrily shook off his hand and rushed upstairs.

Cameron took a deep breath to calm down and quickly followed Nina upstairs.

Cameron felt it was so torturous. He really wanted to leave Nina in the bedroom if it weren't for the fact that they were going to the courthouse.

In the dressing room, Nina took off her shirt and began to iron it. Her figure was slender and enchanting. When Cameron stepped in and saw this, he got horny at once.

"I'll wait for you outside." In the end, Cameron turned around and fled.

"You deserve it." Nina knew what was going on in his mind. If Cameron hadn't held her and kissed her, he wouldn't have suffered from that.

Nina snorted while ironing her clothes. She was very confident about her charm, so she was very satisfied with Cameron's response.

After ironing the shirt, Nina put it on and went downstairs slowly.

Just as Nina was about to ask Cameron to go, he walked toward her with a delicate box in his hand. "Here's the ring. They're all for you."

"All?" Nina glanced at Cameron in confusion and wondered what he meant. Did he mean that there were many rings in the box?


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