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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 612

Michelle had attracted a lot of followers with her sweet look and wonderful painting.

But now, they all turned against her. The more they loved her at that time, the more they hated her now.

They even found out about Michelle's parents. People threw eggs and splashed paint toward Michelle's studio. The Byrds couldn't stay in Jamelaton.

When people threw their anger at Michelle, Cameron was again on the trending list. His handsome face was attractive enough, but now, he had shown himself as a devoted person. People loved him even more. When someone found out that he was a top student, women were about to be crazy.

They couldn't believe that such a perfect man existed in the world.

His look was perfect. His temperament was unparalleled. He was a talent. And above all, he was devoted to his wife. He was simply perfect. He was one in a million.

"What type of woman would be worthy of him?"

"Gosh! Look at him. His body is perfect! Look at that triangle back, those long legs. He is better than those actors, idols, and whatever."

"Oh my God, I am going to be crazy! I'm so envious of his wife. I'll be more than happy if my boyfriend has one of his merits."

Difference from women's admiration, comments from guys kind of smelt like jealousy.

"This kind of genius usually had a bad taste for women. Don't expect too much, his wife is probably ugly."

Nina, who was at Jamelaton, was speechless seeing this comment.


The word never existed in her dictionary.

Cameron, on the other side, let out a cold smile. Then he opened the page of the person who left the comment. He smiled even deeper when he found that person was Nina's fan.

The guy addressed Nina as his goddess. Cameron couldn't help but imagine what would happen once the guy found out that he had called Nina "ugly".

Cameron called Nina after the video and the statement was released. At this time, naturally, Nina had known it online.

Cameron told Nina how he had exposed Michelle in front of their parents. Nina applauded upon hearing that. "Good job, Cameron!"

"Are you happy?" Cameron looked at her deeply through the phone.

"Sure! I like seeing bitches humiliated." Nina was thrilled. She wished she was present when it happened.

As an actress, she had done many things like this over the years.

Nina liked punishing those who were pretentious and bitchy. Sylvie had even jokingly called her "the detector of bitches."

Cameron smiled, "I'm glad to hear that."

He would be happy as long as she was.

Nina was moved by his affectionate gaze. She felt like drowning in it.

She couldn't figure out how did Cameron become so flirty after a few years. He was cold in the past and she had to take the initiative all the time.


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