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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 637

"Ah? You're not at Riverside City? Where did you go?" Melanie was obviously very hurt. She knew that Lucien always agreed to whatever she asked. In the past, no matter what she asked, Lucien would satisfy her.

When she insisted on coming to China to chase after Cameron, Lucien asked her to come over without saying anything.

"I'm outside the city. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up." After Lucien finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Melanie seemed to want to say something, but Lucien had already ended the call.

Cameron reminded Lucien, "You have a girl you like now. It's best for you to keep a distance from Melanie. Otherwise, people will misunderstand that there is something between you and Melanie."

Lucien nodded. "I know."

He took care of Melanie purely out of gratitude for his mentor. Now that he had told his mentor that he would no longer care about Melanie, he really would not care about her anymore.

He used to have no interest in women, so he didn't feel anything when he took care of Melanie.

But now that he had a girl he liked in his heart, his heart was only on that girl. Whether it was Melanie or anyone else, they could not get any attention from him, not to mention that Melanie was still insisting on standing on the opposite side of him and Cameron.

Thinking of this, Lucien said to Cameron, "Did you hear what she said just now? I think we still need to tell the mentor. She is so willful. What if we really attack her in the future?"

Lucien said again, "In order to help the mentor do research, you delayed it for two years before returning to the country. The mentor should not allow her to stay and disturb you like this."

Cameron originally wanted to return to the country normally after graduation, but his mentor encountered some trouble at that time. It was Cameron who stayed behind to help his mentor through the difficulties, causing Cameron to postpone returning to the country for two years.

Otherwise, Cameron would have already been with Nina, so Lucien felt that their mentor should hurry up and get Melanie back because of Cameron's favor.

Cameron lowered his eyes and said coldly, "We did our best. If she insists on stirring up troubles, it is not our fault."

All along, Lucien had been communicating with his mentor about Melanie. Cameron had never mentioned anything to his mentor, because he did not want to get to the point where he'd have to take advantage of his mentor's gratitude towards his previous help and let his mentor take Melanie away.

In other words, he did not want to blackmail him for the favor.

Lucien said thoughtfully, "Actually, there is something I have always wanted to say. If the mentor does not ask Melanie to go back, it is equivalent to indirectly agreeing with her to pester you. You know, the mentor has always liked you. You are so outstanding. He must want his daughter to be with you and be the final winner."

Cameron had already seen this point. People were selfish. Although their mentor treated him and Lucien very well, compared to Melanie, his biological daughter, they were still secondary.

Their mentor was more inclined to let Melanie achieve what she wanted. Whether it was the person she wanted or what she wanted to do, he would satisfy her.

"So we'll go our own ways and make our own choices," Cameron said.

Lucien had already told their mentor about him and Nina, but their mentor still did not summon Melanie back, which meant that their mentor had made a choice.

Since they had chosen different paths, they could only go their own ways.

This was the so-called "there is little common ground for understanding between persons of differing principles". He wanted to protect Nina and his family the most. As for the others, it was best if they be at peace with each other. If they couldn't be at peace with each other, then he would have to fight to the end.

Nina and Sylvie also learned from Sherlyn that Cameron's fellow student Melanie had join Jillian's company. Sherlyn complained over the phone, "Melanie is clearly going against you, right? She is really sick in the head. Doesn't she know what kind of person Jillian's agent is? Rebecca Young, that bitch. She's like the procuress of Allstar Entertainment!"

"Also, Allstar Entertainment makes it sounds very nice, saying they want to gather the most brilliant stars in the entertainment industry. But in my opinion, they just gather the rats in the entertainment industry."


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