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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 675

Chapter 675 | Love Him So Much

"| understand, thank you.’ Viggo knew that he couldn't get any results from Nina, so he thanked her and decided to hang up.

Nina stopped him. "Mr. Johansen.’

Viggo paused for a moment, and then he heard Nina continue, "It seems like there isn't much emotional
foundation between you and Sherlyn right now, so there are many things that should be done slowly.’

What Nina meant was that Viggo and Sherlyn were entangled after drinking, and it was a little hasty for
them to get married today. She indirectly suggested that Viggo should slow down. If he can do this, maybe Sherlyn
would not run away from the marriage in such a panic.

Nina was kind to say these to Viggo. She wanted to make it easier for the two of them to get married.
However, Viggo replied to her with an extremely light sneer before hanging up the phone.

Nina was confused as she held her phone. She turned her head and asked Cameron, who was beside her,
"What does he mean? Why did he sneer at me? Is there anything wrong with what | said?"

Cameron took away her mobile phone, turned it over and pressed her under him, and answered her
question, "We are not them, so it is impossible for us to see through what they are thinking. Our suggestion is just
our subjective opinion. His cold snort means that your words are different from his thought.’

Nina's head was already uncomfortable before the call. With Cameron's talking riddles with her, she
immediately felt her headache worsened.

However, she still frowned and tried her best to analyze his words. In the end, she widened her beautiful
eyes in shock and said, "You beat around the bush. Do you want to tell me that... Viggo likes Sherlyn quite a lot?"

"What do you think?" Cameron laughed in a low voice. Mrs. Dauster had always been smart and lovely.

Nina continued to be shocked. "When did he fall in love with Sherlyn?"

"It doesn't matter when it started. What matters is that he loves her, don't you think so?" After saying that,
he lowered his head and kissed the woman's soft lips.

One day's plan lay in the morning. Such a good time should make up for what they missed last night,
instead of spending their energy on other people's love affairs.

As for when Viggo fell in love with Sherlyn, as far as he knew, it should be that after Viggo and Sherlyn spent
the night together, Viggo carefully reflected on that night, and suddenly realized that he had feelings for her.
Otherwise, how could a restrained person like him have an affair with Sherlyn that night?

What's more, the drunk person was Sherlyn. He was always the one who was sober.

Originally, Nina was curious about the gossip that Viggo had feelings for Sherlyn. However, the man's kiss
was hot and powerful, which made her unable to think about anything else.

However, she didn't forget to protest in a daze. "Don't talk to me in such a roundabout way in the future!"

Can't he make it clear that Viggo loves Sherlyn? Why does he have to let her guess?

"You're so annoying!" She scolded the man and took a bite on his shoulder.

Of course, she did not really want to hurt him. On the contrary, her little strength added a bit of affection to
the intimacy between the two of them on such an occasion. The small bite she took in exchange for the man's big
bite. Nina did not doubt that her neck was going to leave a mark on it again.

Fortunately, she usually wore a military uniform in this play, so it didn't affect her acting.

The two of them spent most of the morning together in bed. In the end, Nina didn't even have a shred of

strength left. She lay in Cameron's embrace and didn't want to move at all.

"You must be starving, aren't you?" Cameron asked as she hugged the person in his arms. Then, he said ina
low voice, "I'm going to cook.’

Cameron was amused by her expression. Just as she was about to get out of bed, Nina suddenly pulled
him back and asked nervously, "By the way, did | make a fool of myself in front of your parents last night?"

She then bit her lips in annoyance. "I didn't want to drink, and | didn't even think that | would drink too much.
| was so drunk. I've lost my composure.’

It was only now that Nina had the time to recall what had happened last night. The moment she thought of
how she had gotten drunk the first time she saw Cameron's parents, she couldnt help but curse herself in her heart.

In the dinner last night, she had expected a polite and somewhat strange dinner party. After all, it was the
first time for her to meet his parents for a meal. Unexpectedly, after that, she and Colleen had a good talk, and they
even drink together.

After drinking too much, Nina couldn't remember what had happened next at all. So she asked Cameron if
she had been uncontrolled.

Cameron noticed her nervousness. He raised his hand and rubbed her head, with a doting smile in his eyes.
"You didn't make a fool of yourself at all. You're perfect.’

"Of course." Cameron nodded seriously. "My mother was also very drunk. She lost herself, so you don't have
to worry about what she will remember at all."

These words greatly comforted Nina. She heaved a sigh of relief as she slipped into the blanket and lazily
ordered, "You can go cook now.’


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