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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 691

Chapter 691 Love Conquers All


Seeing Nina's meaningful smile, Sylvie couldn't help but ask, "You didn't tell him I wanted to watch that movie, did you?"


Without waiting for Nina to answer, Sylvie stomped her foot and accused her, "A mismatch!"


Then she turned her head and left, ignoring Nina. Nina sighed; it was not easy for her to be her boss.


After registration, the two sat down in their seats, Sylvie murmured to Nina, "Why do you have to get Lucien and me


together. We are not a good match at all and the gap between us is too big’


Nina said in a relaxed tone, "I think you shouldn't deny the possibility between the two of you first. There is no such thing


as a perfect match in love. As long as you love each other, it is the best match. Love conquers all.”


Sylvie looked at Nina and stopped talking.


Nina added, “You can talk to him first and that won't harm. You could get to know each other. If you can't get along well


together, then forget it."


Sylvie actually thought what Nina said made sense.


She didn't seem to hate Lucien and even thought he was a little charming.


He is polite and gentle. She has met many men with bad behavior in the entertainment industry and even heard of many

nasty things like cheating and some old men who thought they could manipulate girls with their filthy money. She used to have

important psychological consequences on men.


But she felt very comfortable when she was staying with Lucien and instinctively felt that he would not hurt her.


However, Lucien didn't explicitly say that he wanted to be with her. They just met and ate a few times together. She felt that

she should not think too much, maybe Nina was wrong about Lucien’s intentions.


Sylvie was not sure about Lucien’s love, but as soon as they got off the plane, she received a concerned text message from

Lucien, "Are you there yet?"


Nina glanced at the message on her phone and couldn't help laughing. She said teasingly, "Lucien is so concerned about

you while I haven't received any message from Cameron, a married man."


Sylvie was a little embarrassed for a while. She replied to Lucien and spoke for Cameron, "Cameron must be helping his

mother in the hospital now, so he didn't contact you immediately.


Nina set off back to the crew and thus Cameron focused more on Colleen.


After taking her to the airport, he went directly to the hospital to take over from Randall and let him have some rest.


Sylvie replied to Lucien, "I just got off the plane and am ready to pick up my luggage’


"Well, let me know when you get back to the hotel.” Lucien texted back. Since the hotel they stayed in was still a long way from the airport, Lucien was worried.


Sylvie felt that Lucien was making too much of a fuss, which made her a little uncomfortable, so she only replied with an “okay” and ignored it.


They made it back to the hotel and went straight to their rooms to rest. After taking a shower, Nina had a video call with

Cameron. His first sentence was, "I miss you."


Nina was so happy that she couldn't help teasing him, "Are you going to make up for the sweet words you never said to me before?”


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