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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 693

Chapter 693 Stand Up for Her


Nina knew that Sylvie wouldn't tell Lucien the truth, so she raised her voice and said to Lucien on the phone, "That

scumbag Andrew, he humiliated Sylvie”


"That bastard!” Lucien cursed, gritting his teeth.


Then he said to Sylvie” You can stay out of this. I'll handle it. I promise, he won't bully you again.”


After that, he hung up the phone before Sylvie could say anything.


It was not until a while later that Sylvie murmured to Nina, "He was scary just now.


Just now, Lucien said those words in such a ruthless tone that she felt a chill down her spine.


In particular, hearing how he cursed Andrew, Sylvie was terrified.


Hearing this, Nina smiled and said to her, "He was cursing Andrew, not you. How come you were startled?"


In Nina's opinion, it was just because Lucien cared about Sylvie deeply that he would be so angry when he heard it, which

was why he sounded scary just now.


"I know; Sylvie swallowed and said, "I have never heard him like this before, so I was just a little scared just now.”


Sylvie believed that not only her, but everyone would be easily deceived by Lucien’s gentleness and his smiles that none of


them had ever imagined he had this side of him.


For a moment, Sylvie was so terrified that she felt weak in her legs. She looked at Nina and said, "Nina, what should I do

now? I don't think I can handle a man like Lucien. I don't want to date him anymore, and I don't want Mr. Dauster and you to set me

up with someone again.”


Nina was both pissed and amused by her words, "This is all you got?"


Sylvie pursed her lips and didn't say anything, frustrated. She really wasn't an ambitious person and she didn't think she

could handle Lucien.


Or maybe it was because of Andrew's words just now that she felt she shouldn't be in a relationship at all.


"Lucien has said that he would handle it, right? Just don't worry about it anymore; Nina comforted her.


"Come on. Let's go to a fancy restaurant tonight!" Nina knew what could cheer Sylvie up and said, "Delicious food is the

cure to every problem. If one meal doesn't work, then we'll have two or three or more!"


Sylvie was amused and burst into laughter, "Thank you, Nina.”


She was really grateful that she worked for such a nice person. Nina always protected her and cared for her, she thought

she must work harder for her.


After packing up their things, they left for a fancy meal, leaving everything else behind.


Lucien found out about the fact that Andrew had asked Sylvie out for dinner from Cameron, who knew it when he heard

Sylvie cursing Andrew in Nina's room.


As soon as he heard it, he told Lucien, whose face changed the second he found out about it.


The last time Lucien saw Andrew, he could tell from the look in his eyes that he wanted Sylvie, but he didn't expect that he

would humiliate Sylvie like that. If Andrew was a gentleman, Lucien wouldn't have been so angry, but he wasn't.



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