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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 80

Emelia told Nina her doubts. Nina said without any hesitation, "That's right, some people are so pettythat they hate and aim at someone just because of a slight thing."

"Polaris is poor of character. Viggo asked you to write the script. If she dare, why doesn’t she demand it from Viggo?" Nina snorted, "She was incapable, but blame on others for being outstanding. It's really fucking interesting."

Nina added, "By the way, you don't know yet, do you? I heard that Polaris has a secret crush on Viggo. It's probably because of this that she hates you even more."

"Does she have a secret crush on Mr. Johansen?" Emelia was indeed quite surprised.

"Yeah, rumor has it." After Nina finished speaking, she started to complain about Polaris, "She doesn't even care about her own character. I’m not going to talk about her appearance. After all, it's not proper to attack someone else's appearance. However, with her sarcastic and mean character, how could Viggo fall in love with her?"

It wasn't that Nina purposely slandered Polaris. Regardless of whether it was the author circle or the screenwriter circle, Polaris had a bad reputation.

Relying on the fact that she had once been popular with a few books and some loyal fans, she always looked down on others, which was so annoying.

Emelia knew that Polaris’ character was poor, but she always felt that she was far away from being involved in intrigue.

When Kelaina Salkowski had refused Polaris as her student but and accepted Emelia, Emelia had felt her hostility.

However, at that time, her mind was still on her family and Julian, so she didn't care about Polaris. It seemed that she was philosophical in those days.

Thinking of this, Emelia said to Nina, "It seems that if I want to gain my foothold in this society, not only should I be competent, but I should also have the ability to deal with the intrigues and schemes."

Nina cheered her up, "Come on, Emelia!"

Emelia was amused by her.

The next morning, Maisie woke up from the hangover.

Emelia cooked light porridge. After Maisie sat down at the dining table, she asked somewhat uneasily, "Last night... I didn't say anything stupid, did I?"

"No." Emelia chuckled, "You fell asleep when you came back."

"Okay..." Maisie looked relieved.

With a family background like her, she had a secret crush on an unattainable man. Even if Emelia knew about it, she still felt embarrassed.

She had been hiding her own thoughts, just to make them her secrets.

Last night at the dinner party, she accidentally heard someone say that he might accept a marriage arranged by his family recently. Her heart was suddenly broken.

Although she knew that she was just a secretary and could not get him, when she heard taht he was really going to get married, she still felt desperate.

After he got married, there would be no possibility for her at all.

So she couldn't help drinking too much.

It was useless to drown her sorrow with alcohol. After sobering up, she still felt bitter in her heart.

Emelia gave her a bowl of porridge without any extra expression, "Drink some porridge. It'll make your stomach feel better."

"Okay." Maisie hid the sadness in her eyes and lowered her head to drink the porridge.

After breakfast, Maisie went to work. Emelia packed up and was about to continue working before Viggo called her, "Emelia, are you available now?"

Emelia asked, "What's wrong?"

Viggo paused for a moment on the phone and said, "Come to the company. Two people are looking for you..."

"Could it be... my dad and my brother?" Emelia instinctively had a premonition.

"Yes." Viggo's tone was a little serious, "They clamored to see you and said that you didn't support your father."

Emelia was so angry that her body was shaking, "I'll be right there."


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