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Seven Days Seven Nights (Nicholas and Nancy) novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 Something Has Happened to Mrs Sallow 

Every time Nicholas thought about life without Nancy, he felt suffocatingly miserable. 

For the whole time, he had always thought of her as an optional presence in his life, and her absence didn’t seem to make a difference. But now, with the mere idea of her never appearing in this room again, never appearing in his life or his world, he felt a hollowness in his chest. 

It was as if he had lost something incredibly important. He didn’t know why, but he knew he didn’t want a divorce at all. 

“I’m sorry, honey, It’s my fault for not protecting you. As he held onto Nancy’s hand, a teardrop fell to the ground. 

That night, Nancy slept on the bed while Nicholas sat on the floor next to her, holding her hand. 

When she woke up, a gentle breeze was blowing through the window, causing the gauzy curtains to flutter like butterflies and creating a beautiful sight. Normally, this would have been a delightful scene, but today, she couldn’t appreciate it. 

The helper brought a hearty breakfast, rich in fragrance and vibrant colors, but she could only glance at it and say, “I’m not hungry now; I’ll eat at lunchtime.” 

At lunchtime, the helper brought another sumptuous meal, but she only accepted it and commented, “I’ll eat it. You can go now.” 

“Alright, Mrs. Sallow.” 

In truth, Nancy hadn’t eaten any of her meals. She had lost her appetite completely. 

When she woke up this morning, she discovered that she was imprisoned. Nicholas had deployed many bodyguards around the house, and even the helpers to attend to her needs were all in place. This meant she was now confined to this room. She was not allowed to go anywhere else. 

She called Nicholas, but he didn’t answer. No response came, not on the first call, nor the second, not even after 10 attempts or even 20. From there, she knew that he was intentionally ignoring 

her calls. 

At around 5.00PM, the beautiful sunset painted the sky a brilliant tapestry of red, orange, and yellow, displaying a magnificent array of colors. 

“Wow! It’s so beautiful!” Nancy exclaimed. 

She pushed aside the curtains, opened the window, and sat barefoot on the windowsill. One hand rested under her chin as she quietly gazed at the beautiful scenery outside.. 

She couldn’t recall how long she had been sitting there. All she remembered was that the sunset had faded, the sun had set, and the sky had gradually darkened. Yet, she remained in the same. position, unmoving. 


As night fell, the evening breeze grew cooler. Her clothes fluttered in the wind, and her bare feet grew icy, almost devoid of warmth. Likewise, her whole body felt cold. 

She extended her arms and hugged herself, trying to find some warmth, but it seemed futile; she was still feeling the cold. It seemed the cold had permeated her from the depths of her being, and no amount of clothing could dispel it. 

At this moment, there was a knock at the door, and she knew it was the food delivery. She responded calmly, “Just leave it at the door. I’ll eat it later.” 

The helper had been delivering her meals this way, so nothing seemed amiss to her. She food down and left. 

The wind outside grew stronger, and the temperature continued to drop. 

put the 

A drizzle accompanied the wind, and raindrops fell on Nancy’s delicate skin. At first, a few drops. landed on her face, and she thought she was crying. When she reached out to touch her eyes. only then did she realize it was rain, not tears. 

Yet, somehow, the raindrops felt like her tears. 

She missed her baby so very much. 

As she gently rested her hand on her abdomen, she could still feel her baby’s movements, just like before. She could almost hear her baby’s heartbeat. However, her baby wasn’t there with her anymore. 

“Baby, I’m sorry…” Nancy buried her head in her knees, tears streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry, my darling. I’m a bad mother. I failed to protect you. In your next life, when you choose a mother from heaven, make sure to pick one who can protect you.” 

Tears fell from her eyes, moistening her knees. 

An hour had passed by the time the helper realized that something was amiss. 

Originally, she intended to go upstairs and inquire whether Nancy had finished her dinner so she could collect the plates from all three meals today, as they shouldn’t be left in the room for too long. However, when the helper went upstairs, she discovered that the dinner she had taken earlier remained untouched outside the room. 

“Mrs. Sallow?” she called out from outside while knocking on the door. 


However, no response came from within the room. There was only complete silence. 

The helper was alarmed, so she frantically shouted, “Please respond, Mrs. Sallow! Say something! Don’t scare me. Mrs. Sallow!” She was extremely panicked at that point. 

In truth, Nancy heard the helper’s calls, but she was too tired to respond. Exhaustion weighed her down, making even the simple act of breathing painful, and she had no strength left to reply. She felt so tired that even her eyelids felt too heavy to move. 


After shouting for several minutes and receiving complete silence from inside, the servant became frightened. She immediately rushed downstairs to phone Nicholas. 

As soon as she hurried downstairs, she spotted Nicholas and promptly reported in a flustered. tone, “M-Mr. Sallow it seems like something has happened to Mrs. Sallow.” 

“What did you say?” Nicholas’ heart skipped a beat, and he immediately started running upstairs. 

The helper followed closely, explaining with gasping breath. “During dinner, I brought food for her, and she asked me to leave it outside the door. Without thinking much, I followed her instructions and placed it outside the door to avoid disturbing her. But when I went to collect the plates an hour later, I realized that the dinner was still outside the door. She did not come out to take it, and the food remains untouched.” 


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