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Seven Days Seven Nights (Nicholas and Nancy) novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Find Nancy (1) 

Luke presented Nicholas with the photo on Instagram. Upon seeing Nancy, Nicholas became sober. The women were at the beach, radiating beautiful smiles. “Send me that picture,” Nicholas requested. Once he received the photo, he enlarged it, carefully examining Nancy’s smile. The more he looked, the more he yearned for her. 

Luke then initiated a video call with Linda. Linda was enjoying herself with Nancy, holding hands and dipping their legs into the sea. When she received the video call, she released Nancy’s hand. “Give me a moment. I need to take this video call.” She answered and realized it was from Luke, but that wasn’t the issue. The issue was that Linda noticed Nicholas sitting right beside him. Her smile vanished, and she coolly asked, “What is it?” 

“Are you upset? Why the long face?” Luke asked, concerned. 

Linda wanted to express her annoyance and frustration. “I can’t believe you have time to call me instead of staying with your friend. Or is he feeling happy? Are you both celebrating?” 

Luke wondered why she was saying that. Then he noticed the wine cellar and Nicholas on the screen, and it all made sense. He quickly responded, “No, trust me, Linda. I’m innocent.” 

“Like hell I will. Birds of a feather, Luke. Nicholas hurt Nancy. I don’t want to see either of you now. Goodbye.” 

Linda hung up. Luke stared at his phone, feeling lost. Then he looked at Nicholas and almost cried. “She said that we’re birds of a feather and doesn’t want to see us. You dragged me into this mess.” 

Nicholas glared at him. “Where is she shooting her film now?” 


Nicholas left without saying a word. 

Luke hastily said, “Hey, are you just going like that?” 

“Yes. I’m going to Swania,” Nicholas replied. 

Luke’s eyes widened, and he stared at Nicholas in disbelief. “Don’t tell me you’re going to see your ex- 


The term ‘ex-wife’ didn’t sit well with Nicholas. “Linda is there too. Are you coming or not?” Nicholas inquired. 

“No,” Luke adamantly stated. “She said she doesn’t want to see me, so why should I go?” 

Nicholas looked away and departed. Just as he was opening the door and leaving, Luke stood up and stretched his arms. “But I have a lot of free time lately. I can go to Swania and have a vacation. You’re paying for everything, though 

Samuel smiled and playfully threw a glass at Luke. “Trying to take advantage of him while he’s down, huh?” 

Luke tossed the glass back. “Hey, he wants his wife back, and he’s wealthy. I’m just riding on his coattails.” 

“Good luck to both of you.” Samuel then left. 

Nicholas and Luke headed to the airport. 

The night wore on, and the beach grew cooler. More people arrived. Fortunately, it was already dark, so no one could recognize the women unless they took a closer look. They could enjoy themselves to their heart’s content. 

The waves grew larger. Initially, they only reached the women’s ankles, but now they were at knee level. As the waves crashed in and the women relished the coolness of the water, Nancy suddenly grabbed Linda’s arm and sprinted ahead at full speed. 

They went further and further until they reached a secluded area with few people around. Nancy stopped and cupped her hands around her mouth. She shouted with all her might, “I’ll forget about you, Nicholas! I will!” 

She no longer wanted to harbor feelings for him. It was torturous. Linda joined in. She placed her hand on Nancy’s shoulder. “Just let it out, Nancy. We’ll live our best lives. Don’t feel sad. Nicholas may be gone, but you’ll find someone who truly loves you. Nicholas is just one man. We don’t care about him.” 

She took out her phone and showed Nancy her gallery. “I have a ton of guys here. Different types too. Sexy young hunks; Burly, dominant men and cute younger boys. Oh, and mature, attractive older men as well. They’re captivating and gentle. You’ll find someone who suits you. And, and this and this and this. They’re attractive. Their bodies are perfect. I went through a phase of being into muscular men. Oh, and this one. Jonathan Solomon. He’s my idol, and he’s the best.” 

The mention of Jonathan turned Linda into a fangirl. She was doing her best to uplift Nancy’s spirits. Initially, Nancy wasn’t interested, but when she looked up and saw Linda’s eyes sparkling, she became intrigued. “You’re right. He doesn’t even want to like me. Why should I continue holding onto him?” 


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