My libido who had not made an appearance in months decided this was the perfect time to come out of hiding, to remind me that I was not related by blood to any of my new stepbrothers. “ Nope not listening,” I thought as my libido started settling in like she was going to stay a while.
“So how long does it take to get to the house?” I asked, hoping Jacob wouldn’t notice how hard I was blushing.
He glanced at me as he drove away from the hospital. Are you feeling ok there Em, you’re looking a little red”
“ Yep, yep, all fine, nothing to see here” I stammered and Jacob snorted
“And what’s up with calling me Em?” I asked him
“ Well, Em is short for Emmy, and since you’re short, I thought it was a good nickname” He was grinning again waiting to see how I would react.
“I’m not short,” I pouted, sticking my tongue out at him again.
“Be careful where you stick that tongue it could get you into trouble Em” He chuckled, as he turned on his blinker and merged onto the highway.
I slammed my mouth shut and whipped my head around focusing hard on the passing scenery. Jacob reached out for my good hand linking his fingers with mine, giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I promise Em, everything will be fine. We will make sure of it” he gently squeezed my fingers again before letting go of my hand. I smiled gently at him.
“Thank you, Jacob, that means a lot” I smoothed my hands down my borrowed scrubs.
“ Call me Jake. Dad insists on using our full names because it sounds more high class, but we don’t care, and use nicknames.” Jake slowed down taking the exit toward the rich upper-class part of town.
“ Thanks, Jake I will, my father always hated my name, and had been calling me Emmy for as long as I can remember” I looked up as we approached a gated community. Jake slowed down so the sensor could read the sticker on his windshield. The gate opened, and as we drove through a security guard waved at us.
“Wow.” my mouth dropped open as we drove down a street. It seemed like there was a whole town behind the gates. We passed several small shops and a market. A school backed up to a large open field. There was also a country club, complete with a spa. Jake made a few more turned untill we were on a street with enormous houses all set back from the road, with fences and gates of their own. Jacob drove to the end of the street, and pulled up to a gate, punched in a code, and drove up the driveway.
“ Here we are little sis.” he pulled up by the front door and turned off the SUV. As I tried to unbuckle myself the front door opened, and a mirror image of Jake was standing on the front porch.
The readers' comments on the novel: Shattered Girl (Emmy)
Quand aurons nous les futurs épisodes ?...
Acaba en el 139?asi de mal?...
Why did she tell them she was virgin on that video call a few chapters ago but now she’s saying her first time was at prom? So many inconsistencies it’s getting harder and harder to keep reading....
Not sure what happened to this book after the first chapter but lines and mixed up, words are incorrect and this entire chapter just repeats the same paragraphs over and over and then when when I go into the next chapter it’s like have first half if the chapter is missing and I have no clue what happen between between her sitting next to Patrick and then talking to Mike. The book has so much potential but I honestly don’t I will go any further since it’s so poorly edited....
I like the book but who ever is writting it needs alot of proof reading before releasing a chapter. I didn't understand most of the chapters because of how poorly it was written. With that beings said i need more chapters as soon as possible....
I am not sure I can read this - it’s a bit far fetched for me & to set a time for Her to reflect on her misdeeds & then apologize !!! I am just too much of a redneck female for this to sit well...