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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Popular with Men

Old Mr. Foley took a deep breath and still felt angry, clenching his fists tightly.

Then he looked at Kelvin with disappointment.

"You still have the mood to eat breakfast! Cheyenne has so many excellent suitors around her. If you keep going like this, she will be taken away by someone else sooner or later!"

Kelvin raised his head and put down his knife and fork when he heard this.

His deep-set eyes glanced at his grandfather coldly as he spoke in a clear and ruthless tone.

"I've said that I have nothing to do with her anymore! Grandfather, stop mentioning that woman all the time. It's her business who she's with!"

Corey watched as tensions rose between his father and son over a woman, feeling a headache.

He quickly tried to persuade them. "Dad, don't worry about it anymore. Kelvin is already 27 years old; he can make decisions for himself."

"And Kelvin, talk nicely to your grandfather; he only wants what's best for you!"

"You're right! I'm doing it for him!" Old Mr. Foley continued fiercely. "Cheyenne is a good girl; if he misses out on her, then let him regret it!"

"And also," he turned back to Kelvin again, "you're already 27 years old! Other people have had their second child by now but how about you?"

When it came to the issue of having children, Corey stood on old Mr. Foley's side.

"Well, when I was your age, you were almost four years old!" Corey said.

Speaking of which, Corey took a glance at Abbie.

With her sickly appearance, could she really bear children?

Maybe they should introduce Kelvin to some other rich girl instead.

When she heard the two urging Kelvin to go after Cheyenne and have a child with her, Abbie wanted nothing more than to smash the spoon in her hand. She was sitting right in front of them! Why couldn't old Mr. Foley consider her feelings? She loved Kelvin and having his child was her wish!

Kelvin hated being forced into doing something he didn't want to do. Just like when Grandpa forced him into marrying Cheyenne before, it only made him hate Cheyenne even more.

"That's enough. I have my own ideas about this matter and don't need you guys worrying about it," he said coldly.

The dining room fell silent again as if the air had frozen over slightly. Abbie felt even more embarrassed and could only lower her head while drinking porridge absentmindedly.

"You guys go ahead and eat, I have to leave," Kelvin said as he stood up. His tall and lean figure cast a long shadow under the light.

"Kelvin, I'll walk with you," Abbie said.

"Hmph, just go. I won't keep you here either," old Mr. Foley replied, feeling justified in his words.

He knew all too well the grievances Cheyenne had endured over the past three years and every time he talked to Kelvin about it, he pretended not to hear him.

Who else could be blamed except for his own grandson?

Chris, Kelvin's assistant who came to pick them up, was waiting outside with a black Lamborghini parked at the front gate. He wore an all-black suit and leaned against the car door smoking while waiting for them.

As soon as he saw them approach, Chris put out his cigarette and rolled down the window of the car. Miss Berry couldn't stand smoke due to her poor health condition; Chris didn't want her boss getting angry later on.

He thought they would take at least half an hour for breakfast but it had only been ten minutes...

What a waste of his imported cigarettes! He barely got a few puffs before having to throw it away.

"Mr. Foley! Miss Berry!"

Chris respectfully opened the car door, and Kelvin slightly lowered his tall figure to enter the back seat. Abbie followed closely behind and immediately smelled a faint scent of smoke, causing her to instinctively furrow her brows.

"Why is there a smell of smoke?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, Miss Berry. I just smoked. I'll turn on the air conditioner to diffuse it." Chris explained and reached for the switch, but Abbie interrupted him.


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