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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Say It Again, Cheyenne

Cody had left.

Chris escorted him out and then returned to the CEO's office. "Mr. Foley, I went back to look for you earlier but couldn't find you," he said.

The tall and lean man with his back turned to Chris was slowly untying his tie as he answered the question. "I ran into an old man who got lost on my way here. I sent him home before coming to the company."

"It's all my fault for taking your phone away..."

Chris thought it would be more convenient if Mr. Foley carried a phone with him at all times in the future.

"What about your clothes?" Chris asked.

Speaking of which, Kelvin's aura noticeably grew colder and a faint chill filled the office. This scorching summer didn't require air conditioning when Kelvin was around.

"You can go now; I need to freshen up," Kelvin said.

In one of the partitions in his office was a small bedroom that could fit a double bed and wardrobe, perfect for working late or taking afternoon naps.

Inside, there was a bathroom and a toilet, and many of his clothes were neatly arranged in black. But when he opened the closet, he saw a set of white suits.

The stark white stood out among all the black, causing him to feel a sudden pang of nostalgia for its origin.

Three years ago.

That bright and gentle smile appeared before his eyes again as the girl carrying an exquisite and luxurious handbag appeared in front of him.

She handed something over to him. "Kelvin, this is for you."

"Take it away. I'm busy," he said with just one glance at it on his desk. It was too distracting from his work and took up space where important documents should be placed.

The girl pouted her red lips in dissatisfaction as she leaned forward with both hands on the desk. The scent of roses emanating from her body left a deep impression on him.

"You haven't even looked at it yet! Just take one look!" she pleaded with him.

The day after tomorrow would be their wedding day but Kelvin had been too busy with work to go see about getting himself fitted for his tuxedo. Cheyenne knew how preoccupied he was, so she personally went shopping with her friend Kate to pick out something suitable after much deliberation.

Kelvin finally relented after being pestered incessantly by Cheyenne and took one quick glance at what they had picked out for him.

Inside was a set of white suit. His thick eyebrows immediately furrowed, and he answered in a cold voice with no emotion on his face, "It doesn't suit me; you can take it away."

"No way, you'll look very handsome in white. I've imagined countless times what you would look like wearing it," she said with a sly smile.

The man's brow furrowed even more tightly and he felt annoyed.

Did she really want to marry him so badly and become his wife? She had no shame.

"You know very well that I only wear black," he said firmly.

Cheyenne always found ways to irritate him. She retorted with her sharp tongue, "That's because black makes you look old. That's why I picked white for you!"

"You're eight years older than me but look like a thirty-year-old uncle!" she added insult to injury.

Kelvin glared at her fiercely. Was he really that old?

Although he never looked in the mirror much before, he always thought that his appearance was not bad at all; there were plenty of women who actively sought him out.

But none of them dared to speak to him like this before.

"Cheyenne, say it again? Who is old?"

Cheyenne was not afraid of him getting angry at all. She wrapped her fair arms around his neck and smiled as she pressed her red lips against his."

"You're not old at all, but very strong in bed!"


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