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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Going to the Todd Mansion

The Todd mansion was located in Akloit's wealthy area - a luxurious medieval European-style villa with neat white buildings clustered together. From afar, it looked visually stunning and grandiose.

In this day and age where land prices in Akloit were sky-high, all of these houses belonged to the Todd family, showing just how wealthy they were.

As the car drove into the courtyard, a large fountain came into view with a bronze female statue standing in its center.

As the music started playing, a circular water curtain sprayed out of the fountain, splashing water all around.

The small path paved with cobblestones extended to the entrance of the mansion, with flowers and trees planted on both sides, creating a lush greenery.

In the car, Layne looked down at his black clothes and wore a pair of handmade cloth shoes with ordinary soles. His silver hair gave him an air of scholarly elegance.

Cheyenne glanced at him and furrowed her brows. "Grandpa, didn't I ask you to wear the suit I prepared for you?" she asked. "Why did you wear these old clothes and shoes that have been collecting dust in your closet?"

Those shoes were made by his late wife more than twenty years ago. The white edges had turned yellowish over time but luckily they were black on top so it wasn't too noticeable.

Layne just smiled nonchalantly. "You don't understand," he said. "The more low-key we are, the more at ease the Todd family will be."

"But Granduncle is here," Cheyenne pointed out. "Being low-key doesn't seem to have any use."

Layne nodded in agreement as he looked at his granddaughter standing tall before him with poise and gracefulness.

"I am here to treat his illness; so I should be low-key," he said calmly. "As for you, Cheyenne, just follow your instincts when we get there."


The car stopped and Cheyenne helped her grandfather out while facing curious or disdainful gazes from others around them who watched them approach slowly.

At the entrance, Adrian wore a black suit and meticulously styled hair, following closely behind a middle-aged man. The man appeared to be in his fifties but was well-maintained and looked like he was in his early forties.

Tall and lean, with handsome features and a short stubble that added to his mature charm. He wore a silver-gray handmade suit with an expensive Armani shirt, even the tie had a fish-tail-shaped ruby clip. The details were exquisite and luxurious.

When the man's gaze fell on them, it was scrutinizing. His eyebrows furrowed unconsciously as he asked skeptically, "Are you sure you didn't invite the wrong person?"

Adrian stood respectfully behind him and replied softly, "Please rest assured, Master Kai. I am certain they can do it. If Layne cannot cure Master Iker, I'm afraid no one else in this world can."

Over the years Kai had traveled both domestically and internationally seeking out so-called renowned doctors, but none of them could cure Iker. Now that there was hope again, he wouldn't mind letting the grandfather and granddaughter in front of him to give it a try.

"Hello, old Mr. Edwards! I'm Kai Todd!" said the man walking up to them, extending his hand for Layne to shake.

Layne shook hands with him politely before replying, "Mr. Todd is too kind. I'm just here to see how things are going. As for specifics, we'll have to wait until I see your son first."

"Of course," Kai personally led the two into the luxurious hall, where the decoration seemed to highlight the Todd family's great wealth even more.

At the entrance were a pair of half-height ancient blue and white porcelain vases with double ears


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