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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Jerome's Concert

Abbie thought about how hard it was for her to stay by Kelvin's side and if she would be able to come back if she left with Cody.

Kelvin had seen Abbie as his little sister for many years. He had divorced Cheyenne and become single. If she left, what if another woman came into the picture? Someone of his status would still be highly sought after by women in Akloit even after a divorce.

However, Cody seemed determined to take Abbie back home because of their shared last name - Berry - which made them both part of the Berry family.

After returning home, if she didn't go back to the Berry mansion, the media outside would say all sorts of nasty things about Abbie. Secondly, Kelvin's attitude towards Abbie was unclear and she was currently a useful pawn. If it fell into his hands, he could use it to restrain Kelvin.

Abbie hesitated for a moment before saying, "No, I'm good here. Thank you for the invitation, Uncle, but Kelvin still needs me right now, so I want to stay here and take care of him."

Cody chuckled coldly after hearing this and calmly replied to her, saying, "It was Mr. Foley who asked me to come pick you up. He said that our uncle-nephew duo should have a good reunion."

"Don't disappoint Mr. Foley's kindness, Abbie; I haven't seen you in three years and is really looking forward to it."

"Your cousin and aunt are also waiting for you at home."

Kelvin said this?

Suddenly Abbie felt a dull pain in her heart as if someone had torn open a wound causing blood to flow out.

She had been by Kelvin's side for so many years, just hoping they could reunite again but he actually took the initiative to chase her away.

Meanwhile upstairs the servants were already starting to pack Abbie's luggage.

The person who came to see her off was none other than Chris, Kelvin's assistant, and it should be really Kelvin's decision.

She sucked in a breath of cool air without a trace.

Abbie's face showed a bitter smile.

"I miss my aunt and cousin too, so I'll go back with my uncle."

Chris, the assistant, came down from upstairs with Abbie's suitcase and spoke respectfully to her.

"Miss Berry, your luggage is packed. You can get on the car anytime."

Abbie couldn't be more angry about this assistant who was against her now.

'Does he only see Cheyenne as Kelvin's wife? If I became Kelvin's wife, Chris would be the first one to be fired.'

Abbie finally chose to go back with Cody.

On the way, Cody looked at her expression which was a bit pale and asked with concern, "Is the wind too strong? Should I close the car windows?"

Abbie smiled and shook her head, "Thank you, no need, I'm fine."

Cody naturally understood that she couldn't leave Kelvin, and said with a wry smile, "if love is meant to last forever, it doesn't depend on seeing each other every day."

"I think Mr. Foley's attitude towards you might even become more affectionate if you leave for a few days," he added with a knowing smile.

"Men understand men's thoughts best," he continued.


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