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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 605

Chapter 605: A Star's Awakening

Without saying a word, Glenn pulled Kate into the car, scaring her. Throughout the journey, her mind wandered, imagining various scenarios. She envisioned him taking her to some place to harm her, or even worse, like what she had seen on the news-being sold as a child bride to poverty-stricken areas or involved in organ trafficking.

But it turned out she was overthinking.

First of all, Glenn had no shortage of women by his side.

Second, Glenn had so much money that he couldn't spend it all, so he had no need to engage in such troublesome and fruitless activities.

Third, even if she were to be sold, she wouldn't be worth much.

To her surprise, Glenn brought her to his private villa instead. When she stepped out of the car and saw the luxurious mansion before her, it left Kate dumbfounded.

Kate's self-esteem plummeted.

Never before had she felt this way, as if she were a country bumpkin who had just arrived in the city, greatly damaging her self-respect. As she stepped out of the car, she felt the jealous, surprised, and incredulous gazes of the staff all directed towards her.

Glenn couldn't help but laugh at her stunned state. He grabbed the back of her neck with his big hand and dragged her into the villa. With a snap of his fingers, a maid quickly appeared, holding a row of gorgeous dresses and jewelry for Kate to choose from.

She swore she had never seen so many high-end designer dresses in her life. As a star, the dresses one wore on the red carpet were a reflection of their status. However, due to her limited fame, she could only afford more affordable brands, which often made her the target of ridicule from her peers for not being popular enough.

But with just a glance, she could tell that these dresses were from internationally renowned fashion brands. These brands were extremely picky and usually only reserved for top-tier female celebrities.

"These... are these for me to choose?" Kate asked in astonishment.

"Yes, these are all new dresses sent over according to your measurements. Take a look and see if you like any of them," Glenn replied.

Kate turned her head in surprise and looked at Glenn. It took her several minutes to calm herself down.

She gently pursed her red lips and politely declined Glenn's offer, "Thank you, Master Glenn, but I don't need them. I don't have any upcoming events where I would require these."

In reality, she didn't have any events at all... since she had no fame left and even struggle to land endorsement deals. She could only take on minor roles or appear on covers of magazines for gynecological clinics or work as a model for online shopping platforms. She couldn't even bring herself to tell her brother about such jobs.

This was the first time a woman had refused his gift. His past rumored girlfriends would have their eyes light up at the sight of these things.

Why didn't she want them?

Wasn't she envious and surprised when she entered the house?

Glenn's face darkened. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his suit trousers, took a long stride towards the row of clothes, and picked out a set of dark golden strapless gown before throwing it at Kate. His voice turned cold as he ordered, "This one, have her change into it."

"Yes!" the maid replied promptly.

The maids rushed up in a swarm, pushing Kate from behind and dragging her into the bedroom upstairs.

"No, I don't want to change. Ah, it's so cold, Master Glenn."

She didn't want to change clothes because of the cold weather.

Glenn couldn't help but smile, as a female celebrity, she was supposed to be willing to do anything for the sake of appearing pretty.

But in this aspect, she fell far short.


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