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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Revenge on Your Ex-Husband Together

Speaking of it, the nickname "Fairy" was quite fitting indeed.

Jerome was extremely handsome, with downturned eyes and a high-bridged nose.

The perfect and flawless lips were as captivating as glossy red silk.

Cheyenne slightly furrowed her brows and her vermilion lips lightly said, "You, stay away from me."

'She actually despises me so much?' Jerome doubted whether his charm had declined.

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his own cheek, leaned in close to her ear and said, "You are truly unique, I like it."

The distance between the two was less than a fist's length, and when he spoke, his warm breath sprayed onto her fair little face.

Looking at her from such a close distance, Jerome was surprised to find that this woman wasn't wearing any makeup!

Her skin was so delicate that pores were almost invisible; the natural fairness made her look fairer than others even without foundation. She could just apply lipstick before going out.

She was naturally beautiful and graceful.

This intimate posture entered a pair of deep and sharp upturned eyes without any surprise.

A man stood somewhere on the second floor, his slender and agile limbs wrapped in a black and elegant suit. The suit accentuated his tall and straight posture, like that of a pine tree.

The white shirt, with the button fastened all the way to the top, only revealed a small portion of the throat.

He was solemn and elegant, dressed in such an old-fashioned way, but his cold and handsome face made him as admirable as a god.

From Kelvin's perspective, Cheyenne looked like she was being held and kissed by Jerome.

Foreheads touched, lips pressed tightly against her cheek... and yet the woman remained motionless, letting the man do whatever he wanted.

Another one!

'Cheyenne, you're really something!'

Chris following behind Kelvin seemed to notice that something was off in the air.

Especially when just a second ago Kelvin had been speaking calmly with everyone about this quarter's guidance work before suddenly becoming incredibly cold all over.

The temperature seemed to drop abruptly by two degrees. Goosebumps rose on Chris' arms where he had rolled up his sleeves.

"Mr. Foley... is there anything else that needs improvement?" Chris asked softly.

Kelvin's peripheral vision passed over the woman before him. His expression returned to its usual coldness as he continued, "Order them to withdraw our company's spokesperson!"


The selection process for this group's spokesperson was quite lengthy, and Jerome was chosen because he was one of the hottest stars in the past couple of years.

Combined with his handsome vampire-like face, he had an enormous fan base.

Moreover, his role at the Foley Group was that of a vice president, earning him a two hundred million endorsement fee annually.

If the group unilaterally revoked Jerome's endorsement now, it might provoke dissatisfaction among his fans, resulting in more harm than good.

Furthermore, the company's new product launch was just around the corner. If they changed the spokesperson at this critical juncture, who would step up to the plate?

Kelvin didn't like hearing anyone say "no."

His footsteps halted abruptly as he turned around, his gaze cold as if he had entered a harsh winter.

He stared at Chris.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Chris' temple...

"Yes, I'll go take care of it right away," he said.

Meanwhile, Jerome had just finished singing his opening song and was about to start another when his agent rushed onto stage from backstage.


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