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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68: You're Late Today

However, she quickly remembered another embarrassing issue.

Before her wedding, due to her lack of sexual experience, Kate had suggested watching an adult movie to learn it. And during a weekend when Kate's family wasn't home, Cheyenne and Kate had watched the movie in her room. They were just in the midst of this when Eddie, who had returned home to fetch something, caught them in the act.

Eddie's expression at that moment was quite peculiar.

Although it had been three years since the incident, thinking about it still made her cringe.

Omari's gaze was fixed on Cheyenne's gradually reddening face, which was turning pink even down to her neck.

"Cheyenne, why are you blushing?" Omari asked.

"It's nothing... just really hot," she replied.

Without hesitation, Omari turned on the air conditioning and called Eddie on his phone. Eddie sounded tired over the phone like he just came out of surgery.

"I'll be there soon," Eddie said before hanging up.

Half an hour later, a handsome young man dressed in a blue shirt and black suit pants appeared before Cheyenne. It had been three years since they last met. He had become even more mature and composed. With a pair of wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, his face exuded an air of restraint.

Upon seeing Cheyenne, Eddie smiled at her, hesitant to speak.

He had heard from his sister that Cheyenne had gotten divorced and was left with nothing. Meanwhile, Mr. Foley had taken his love interest to live in the Foley Villa. But what about Cheyenne?

Eddie tried to detect any hint of sadness on her face but she still looked radiant and unaffected by it all. That was just great.

"Eddie," Cheyenne called out to him.

"Yeah, Cheyenne? Is there something you need?" Eddie replied shyly before quickly averting his gaze and checking his attire. He had rushed over from the hospital where he still smelled of disinfectant and blood.

Instinctively taking a step back, he didn't want to get too close to her for fear of overwhelming her senses.

Cheyenne was confused by this small gesture; after all, they hadn't seen each other in three years and she was confident that she hadn't become unattractive during that time.

Why was Eddie avoiding her?

After explaining what she found out, she handed the tube of blood over to Eddie.

Both of them listened as she explained that the Todd family's young master had broken his leg because of being poisoned, not due to a car accident. Their eyes were filled with astonishment, but also growing concern.

Was Cheyenne really safe, being in a place where she could potentially fall into a conspiracy at any moment?

But Cheyenne seemed indifferent. If she could use this opportunity to make progess in her medcial skills, it would be less difficult for her to cure Benson.

Overall, since she chose to participate, she wouldn't easily give up. Eddie tightened his grip on the tube and nodded seriously.

"I'll do my best."

"Thank you, Eddie."

"You should also be careful at the Todd family. I heard that Master Iker's temper isn't very good."

The Todd family had invited him for treatment before when he was attending a medical conference abroad. But when he hurried back by plane, he was turned away by Iker and they didn't dare ask him again.



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