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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13*** her first three powers!

King Valdo pov***

We wore our clothes finally, I was hesitant about taking Pink to shopping to be honest, maybe I became so obsessive about her. I couldn’t tell but sure I loved her so much and felt that I was going crazy about her.

That’s why I wanted to make an excuse to not go. I even wanted to tell her about the rogues and the one who was killed to scare her a bit.

But she was stubborn and naïve at the same time, and she might think that I was going to imprison her as she has suffered all her life in the same castle.

Seriously just remembering what she had faced sent aches to my chest, I wondered what she was feeling.

I knew she was still trying to act strongly but she was too fragile. When I suggested training her, it wasn’t just to make her the best.

Hell no, I didn’t care for that or any one of the packs opinion about my Luna.

But I was worried about her, what if anything happened to me or died soon? What will she do after me by herself?

I just wanted to train her and she still didn’t know that I would be her personal trainer. I wanted to pull her powers out of her. I wanted to make her double her powers. I couldn’t believe that she didn’t shift at all till that moment. Why and how? There was something about her. Especially her eyes. She was different but I couldn’t tell what her special powers were.

And she was Alpha without even trying to know how much power she owns already. That was too obvious from her eyes, not just because her eyes were colored Pink.

But because of her tattoo on the back of her ear, yes, it’s too small and I bet that no one had seen it at all and I bet that even she didn’t notice it as well.

It’s Pink ‘V16’. Yes, and sure it belonged to me. She has belonged to me since she was born. My powers and the first letter of my name. which was something that didn't happen before and I have never done something about it.

I even asked myself, could that mean something else? Like her first father letter or maybe it refers to her powers? But to be born with all those powers means she could shift like me easily.

She was even in awe when she had seen me shifted in front of her eyes, as if she had never seen any werewolf shift before!

I was puzzled with her a lot and with her safety and how I could lock her inside the house without making her feel as imprisoned. I just wanted to protect her anyway.

She finished wearing her clothes and jumped to my chest “my king, what are you thinking about?”

I leaned to her lips and kissed her softly “you!”

She blushed “seriously? But why? I’m here already with you.”

I nodded “yes, but I was thinking of—”

She cut me off and made a puppy sad face “please don’t say that we are not going out?”

I was going to say so actually but when I saw the frustration on her face and mixed with pain, I just simply changed my mind. I cupped her cheeks “no, we are going out. But I was thinking of buying you a pet to play with. You know that I might be busy most of the time and I want you to have fun.” I suggested and I guess I hit a nice point.

She widened her Pinky eyes and screamed excitedly “really? Could I? Then I want a small puppy. And a turtle and cat and—” she kept saying.


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