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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84*** back again!

King Valdo pov****

After what happened to Pink that time, I couldn’t just wait and see her dying or something bad happening to her. I took her immediately without bothering her to wake her up and rushed back to my kingdom to let the doctors check on her.

I needed to make sure that she was fine. Or if something bad happened to her, I will never forgive myself and I will live blaming myself for the rest of my life.

She opened her eyes gradually and funnily stretched her arms in the air and yawned as if she was in deep sleep dreaming of something good. I ran my fingers on her hair gently and said to her with sigh of relief “finally you are back,”

She blinked and widened her eyes looking around us and when she figured out that we came back to the castle, she nodded her head and said comfortably with a wide smile “yes, thank god. I feel more relieved now.”

I leaned closer to her face while she was still laying down on the bed, I brushed our noses together playfully and said sincerely from deep inside my heart “I’m sorry for making you lose your consciousness yesterday.”

She grinned and said joking lightly with a gorger's chuckle “you should apologize for the rest of your life because I’m so mad at you.”

I made a puppy face joking back with her while keeping my eyes deeply filled with her love that invaded my soul “sorry about that.”

She pouted her lips “don’t start.”

Seriously sometimes I feel like I want to jump on her immediately even if we were surrounded by too many or even in a public place. Sometimes I feel that I want to attack her lips until making her jelly sexy lips drip her blood. Sometimes I feel like I’m lost because of the way she pouts to me childishly or by the way she licks her lips seductively.

I pecked her lips and chuckled swat? You said I should apologize for the rest of my life.”

He pouted “don’t tease me.”

I sighed in depression “I’m not, I seriously feel guilty to make you suffer.”

She suddenly blurted out grabbing her tummy and sealing her eyes “I need a doctor. I think. I mean I feel like I’m going to die.”

I shake her body worriedly trying to know what does she feel “what? What do you feel? Please tell me. are you okay? I mean. relax on the bed and I will call one for you.”

She pulled my hand and asked me softly “just stay next to me. I need you.”

I nodded to her but said “I’m coming in a minute. Lay down.”

I bawled and shouted hurriedly in concern commanding them “father! Guards! Maids! Call the wise old man now and the royal doctors immediately.”

She tried to calm me down that she will be okay “you don’t have to—”

I glared at her feeling guilty and remarked how she looked like and how jerk and blind I was busy for other things and didn’t notice that she really looked like losing weight “oh Pink! You look pale and so sick. You keep throwing up. How I didn’t notice that for god sake?”


Pink pov****

he said once I opened my eyes and realized that we I noticed we have arrived “finally you are back,”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King