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She Belongs to the Mafia King (Normani Parker) novel Chapter 6


Mani's pov.

"Miss! " A distressed voice echoed through the room.

" Please wake up, Miss."

I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me, dragging me out of my slumber. My heavy lashes peeled open and the first thing I saw was a worried expression of a woman in her twenties like me. She was wearing what I assumed was a maid's outfit. She was leaning over me on the same bed where I passed out yesterday.

" Thank God," she sighed when I finally opened my eyes. " I came yesterday to wake you up, but Sin said I should let you rest. Are you alright?"

" I'm fine," I croaked. My vocal cords dried like sandpaper due to all the crying. I could see the pity and remorse on her face, so I decided to try my luck and see if she could help me escape.

"Please help me, I have been kidnapped," I begged.

"You need to be careful and mind what you say. I can't help you," the maid replied back anxiously.

" Were you kidnapped as well?" I asked. That was the only logical explanation I could come up with since she was too scared to help me.

The question seemed to throw the poor maid off guard. " What do you mean, Miss?"

" Were you forced here against your will? Is that why you can't help me?"

"No Miss, I've worked for the Violenta since I was nineteen, and I've been treated well, just like everyone else who is loyal," the maid explained cautiously.

I snorted out in disbelief at the words she said, " I don't care, I was taken against my will."

" Quiet, you need to be careful," she whispered, looking around the room, " you don't want to get on Sin's bad side. As long as you do not disobey him, he won't hurt you".

I spat out angrily, "Easy for you to say, you were not kidnapped and taken from everyone and everything you love."

I could see that my words affected her, making her look away from my direction for a minute before looking back at me. " I really wish I could help you, but I can't. This is the first time Sin has ever shown much interest in a lady except for pleasuring him. I can't help you. I'm too scared to face the wrath of his anger".

I let out a frustrated sigh as tears fell down my eyes. Deep down I knew she couldn't do anything to help since she was just as helpless as me, but I just couldn't help but take out my anger on her, which I now regret.

"I-I'm sorry," I let out, giving out a tight smile as I managed to control my tears.

" It's okay, I understand. I'm Zoey. I have been assigned to you by Sin in case you need anything. " She said, trying to ease the tension.

"Normani, but my friends call me Mani ," I said.

" It's nice to meet you, Mani, despite the situation."

" And you too, Zoey. I'm sorry again for taking my anger out on you."


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