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She is a CEO by George Chapman novel Chapter 950

Nia walked in front, and Lauren finally had the opportunity to walk side by side with Eve. Seeing that the little one beside him was still buried in her head, Lauren thought for a while and then said to her,
"Are you sure you don't mind me pretending to be your sister's boyfriend?"
Hearing Lauren's voice, Eve froze for a moment and subconsciously looked up at him. "I mind" was almost out of her mouth, but she caught a glimpse of her sister standing at the door of the house smiling and waiting for them, and thought did it make sense to mind it herself?
Eve quietly gave herself the answer in her heart, so she said in a low voice, "I don't mind."
Eve completely ignited the anger in Lauren's heart with just three words, and she really didn't mind!
Lauren can't express how complicated his state of mind was at this time, but he was sure of one thing: since she didn't mind, then he will show her!
Lauren's character was like this.
"Come here!" Nia greeted Eve and Lauren again. This time Lauren no longer accommodated Eve's small steps slowly, but walked forward and came to Nia's side in a few steps.
Without waiting for Eve, Nia immediately rang the doorbell, and after a while, the door opened.
Inside the door were Mr. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson who were very excited. For a rare time, they no longer just hoped that their younger daughter would come back safely. What was even more fortunate and happy was that the eldest daughter was willing to reconcile with them and brought back her boyfriend! This was a great joy!
As soon as she saw Nia, Mrs. Davidson's eyes immediately turned red. She choked up and said,
"Nia, you're back..."
"Mom..." It cannot be denied that when she saw her mother walking towards her with tears in her eyes, Nia was still a little moved, so she whispered and threw herself into her mother's arms.
"Nia, it's good to be back. It's good to be back." Mr. Davidson was also so excited that the couple almost forgot about the youngest daughter who was following behind.
After being touched, Nia withdrew from her mother's arms, put her arm on Lauren's, and introduced to them with a smile,
"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend. His name is Lauren Osade, and he is proficient in many languages."
Mr. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson had noticed Lauren a long time ago, but they just saw that he was a foreigner and didn't know how to greet him. After hearing what the eldest daughter said, the couple greeted him repeatedly and hurriedly let him into the house.
Lauren seemed to be infected by the enthusiasm of Mr. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson, and it was rare to greet them patiently with a slight smile on his face.
It wasn't until they walked into the living room that Eve stepped into the house and saw her sister holding Lauren's arm, and their parents chatting affectionately with them. Eve couldn't explain the mixed feelings in her heart, so she could only silently close the door behind her. When there was nothing left to say, she interrupted and shouted,
"Dad, Mom, I'm back."
Hearing Eve's voice, everyone reacted suddenly and looked over at her. At this time, Eve really felt like an outsider.
"My Eve, you are back!" Realizing that she had neglected her little daughter, Mrs. Davidson hurried over and hugged Eve, looked her up and down and said,
"You child, you actually ran to your sister's place by yourself. Do you know how worried we are?!"
The warmth of a mother's love had always been the most heart-warming. When Eve heard this, her eyes turned red instantly. All the grievances poured out, and she buried herself on her mother's shoulders and began to cry softly. This pitiful appearance made Mrs. Davidson's heart ached.
Mr. Davidson also hurried over to comfort his little daughter, but now it was Nia who was left out in the cold.
"As expected, they still prefer her." Unconsciously, Nia closed her eyes and murmured out the words in her heart.
"Prefer what?" Others didn't hear it, but Lauren did.
Nia didn't mind him hearing what she said, so she tilted her head and said to him with a smile,
"Did you see that too? Because of Eve's body, our parents love her very much since I was a child. On the other hand, I can get less love, but she is always my sister, and I have long been used to it."
After speaking, Nia let go of Lauren's hand, and walked forward to help their parents comfort her sister. Lauren looked at her smiling side face, and his eyes gradually sank.
After finally calming down Eve's emotions, Mr. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson were worried that they were tired from the journey, so they hurriedly asked them to wash up and rest early. They didn't know the inside story, and said with a smile,
"Eve, Nia, we've finished cleaning your rooms, so go to rest."
"Where is my room?" Lauren saw that Mrs. Davidson only pointed to two rooms, so he asked. And he wouldn't be embarrassed to ask, because this kind of thing hardly existed in his world.
"Lauren, aren't you and Nia boyfriend and girlfriend? Just share a room." Mrs. Davidson was not a very open person, but the eldest daughter had already told her, so she replied with a smile of course.
As soon as the words came out, before Lauren could refuse, Eve yelled with a heavy nasal voice,
When Eve yelled, everyone fell silent, staring at her with different expressions.
Eve was so embarrassed at the moment, because the sound just now was completely her subconscious behavior. She endured her sister pretending to be the girlfriend with Lauren, and she also tolerated Lauren's indifference to her along the way, but she couldn't bear it if they had to share a room!
With a flushed face, Eve thought stubbornly.
Lauren hooked the corners of his lips indiscriminately, and opened his mouth to help Eve,
"Mr. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson, this is my first visit, so I should live in a room by myself."
"That's right. Eve is still young, so it will affect her." Nia also responded in a timely manner, but Mrs. Davidson was confused by her words.
"Nia, it's you..."
Seeing this, Nia quickly interrupted her mother, put her arms around Eve's shoulders with a smile and said,
"Well, Lauren lives in my room, and I share a room with Eve."
That was not OK! Eve shouted from the bottom of her heart. She just didn't want Lauren to have any intimate relationship with her sister, even if it was just to live in the room she used to live in. Eve's emotions would explode after being suppressed for too long. Unfortunately, she had enough emotions, but she lacked courage, so she didn't dare to say those words anymore.
"I live in Eve's room." It was Lauren's proposal that saved Eve.
"Ah?" This time, it was not just Mrs. Davidson, even Mr. Davidson was dumbfounded. It stood to reason that Lauren can be regarded as Eve's half-brother-in-law. It was too inappropriate, right?
The one with the clearest mind was Nia, who knew that Lauren would do what he said, so she smiled and said without hesitation,
"It's okay. Lauren can stay here if he wants, and I haven't slept in my own room for a long time. Eve, don't you mind?"


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