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She is a CEO by George Chapman novel Chapter 978

"Should?!" Casper slapped Leon as soon as he heard the word, and shouted angrily, "Can this kind of thing rely on 'should'?! You have been told to be careful. Everyone in the club knows I'm Lina's last guest. What if the police find me?!"
Leon was beaten with dizziness, but he immediately stood up straight and defended,
"Mr. Wood, you don't have to worry so much. I sent someone to inquire. Lina's body has been soaked for a long time. It is impossible to tell who she is from the outside. Besides, she has no relatives in Athegate. Who would recognize her? The police will never find us!"
Casper frowned when he heard this, and could only sigh heavily when he saw Leon's trembling look.
"Even so, you all pay close attention to the news from the police station. Don't be careless!"
"Yes!" Leon deliberately resisted, and quickly agreed, and soon sent someone to bribe an auxiliary policeman, asking the other party to report if anyone found out that Lina's body was identified.
Three days after the notice was issued, Kyle came to Arthur's office to ask him what he meant.
"Mr. Davies, are you going to act?"
"Let's do this," Arthur said with a sideways glance at Kyle. "It's too easy for Casper to cover up a crime with a few stones."
"Yes." Kyle smiled and nodded.
That afternoon, the manager of the clubhouse brought two security guards to the police station and said that they wanted to identify the dead body. The scene was extremely embarrassing and the manager wanted to gag several times, but he still recognized the dead woman with a small butterfly tattoo on her leg. It was Lina, and she gave a clear account of her whereabouts before her death. In less than three hours, the police came to StandHill Investment Company.
Casper had received inside information a long time ago, and he didn't panic when he saw the police coming. He answered all the police's inquiries one by one, but he knew in his heart that although the police didn't say anything, he was already the number one suspect. And he didn't know who was talking nonsense that the news that he recruited prostitutes and killed people spread like wildfire in the upper circles. And the reputation of StandHill and Casper fell dramatically for a while.
At a party one day, a few playboys teased Casper about this incident, making Casper so angry that his ears rang and his eyes swelled. But at this time, he lost Nia, and he couldn't find anyone else to comfort him for a while.
Nia heard the news from her friend, and heard that Casper had lost all face in the upper class and was even secretly investigated by the police.
Seeing that her sister was happy and she was also happy, Eve asked her curiously,
"Nia, what are you so happy about?"
"You don't know yet. Casper's life has always been corrupt. A high-ranking prostitute who was close to him was killed a while ago. He was the last person to see her, so he was investigated by the police." Nia said happily.
But Eve didn't take pleasure in other people's misfortunes. Instead, she frowned and said, "That woman is really pitiful..."
"What's so pitiful?" Nia smiled indifferently, and said contemptuously, "It's just a whore."
Eve secretly glanced at her sister when she heard this, but she actually felt that her sister's words were a bit cruel.
When Nia was happy, she didn't pay attention to Eve's small movements. She cared about another thing.
"Eve, do you remember what I told you? Spend more time with Mr. Osade. Don't always stay in the room."
As soon as Lauren was mentioned, Eve blushed uncontrollably. She lowered her head and said shyly,
"Nia, don't be so blunt..."
Nia smiled, and only then would she gently hold Eve's hand and talk to her,
"Eve, men are creatures with strong self-esteem. They like women who are reserved, but sometimes a little initiative can make their hearts move. Look at you. You have lunch, dinner with him every day. But you can't even say a few words. Mr. Osade is so good. Last time I saw a few women strike up a conversation with him. If you don't take the initiative, he will be snatched away by others."
Eve pursed her lips and said nothing, but she cared about it in her heart.
Seeing Eve's useless appearance, Nia became angry, but of course she wouldn't show it, and she still persuaded in a good voice,
"Your fragility is the biggest factor that attracts Mr. Osade, so don't waste such a good resource."
Eve couldn't help frowning at Nia's words, because she didn't like to use her weakness as a bargaining chip to attract Lauren, but...
"Nia," Eve suddenly raised her eyes to look at her sister, a pair of big eyes twinkling, as if mourning, "Actually, I think it's fine for me and Mr. Osade. I know my body... From now on, I will only implicate him."
"What nonsense are you talking about!" Nia immediately reprimanded Eve with an angry look, and said, "How could something happen to you with me around! Yes, it seems that your medicine is almost finished. I can buy it for you."
"No need, I ..." Eve was interrupted by Nia before she could say a few words.
"What did you say! I'm taking care of you now. How can I let you do it by yourself!" Nia scolded her again, rubbing Eve's little hand to reassure her before going out the door.
In fact, Nia didn't want to go. Who knew if Casper sent someone to guard her outside? But she had to go, because Eve's medicine had to be bought by herself!
Putting on the sunglasses that she took out just now, Nia put her hair down and put it next to her cheeks as she walked, hoping that it would be okay if she didn't meet anyone from Casper.
But what people worry about, they tend to encounter more. This is Murphy's Law, and Nia can't escape it.
Although she had been careful to hide her tracks all the way, when she came out of the pharmacy, Casper's men still found her. When Nia realized that she was being followed, she immediately ran all the way to the hotel, and her arms tightly held the medicine she bought for her sister. Just when the Dekee hotel appeared in front of her eyes, she thought she could escape the catastrophe, but she didn't expect to stand on tiptoe and fell to the ground like this.
Her heart was beating fast, and Nia was unable to utter a cry for help due to her exhausted panting. People around who found something abnormal just looked at it curiously. Everyone didn't dare to go forward to help her without knowing the reason. Nia dragged on like this. She leaned forward and crawled forward. As long as she entered the hotel, she would not be afraid of anymore!
Just when Nia was crawling forward desperately, and even successfully climbed two or three steps in front of the Dekee hotel, the sound of the wheels braking suddenly sounded behind her, like the roar of an evil spirit.


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