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She Outshines Them All (Athena and Matthew) novel Chapter 224

Chapter 224
Athena listened, her eyes misting and her throat tightening with emotion. Holding her grandmother’s hands gently, she said, “Grandma, having you in my life has been the biggest blessing. Without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
worry about anything. I’m grown up now. I can take care of myself, and I can take care of you too. There’s nothing for
Her grandmother gave a soft laugh. “You’re such a smart girl and have a wonderful family. I know you’re going to be just fine. I’m really at peace.
“I love you, Grandma, Athena whispered, hugging her gently so her grandmother wouldn’t see the tears forming in her eyes.
That evening, the three elderly family members were driven back to the villa, and the rest of the Donovan family returned as well
In the kitchen, Claire, Jaden, and Wesley, the best cooks in the family, were busy making dinner, while Zayn and Arthur helped. Everyone else was occupied either caring for the elders or keeping them entertained.
After dinner, the whole family gathered in the living room to take a group photo, ensuring Athena’s grandmother was included
Afterward, they all settled into a cozy evening–some watching TV, others playing games, working out, reading, or chatting. At some point, Athena remembered something. “Some of the people from my lab can’t go home for Christmas’s. They were thinking of spending it here with us. Is that okay?”
Claire lit up with a smile. “Of course! How many are coming? What do they like to eat? I’ll make extra food.”
Athena thought for a moment. “Probably about ten. Trust me, they’ll love whatever you cook. Just do the usual, no need for anything special”
“Perfect!” Claire nodded, glancing around the house. “We have plenty of space. They can stay with us.”
When the rest of the family heard that some of Athena’s lab colleagues–who were rumored to be able to create anything like Doraemon’s magical gadgets–would be spending Christmas’s with them, they got curious. Everyone was eager to meet these fascinating people.
On the afternoon before Christmas’s, at 4 PM, the gates to the Donovan family villa opened.
Athena led a group of people inside, all well-dressed and confident, with ages ranging widely. Smiling, she introduced them, “Everyone, these are some of the top executives from my company, You already know Harry, Rufus, and Ryan, so no need for introductions.
The Donovan family, except for the elderly, lined up in two rows to greet the guests.
Athena introduced them one by one, “This is Penny, Nickle, Dime, Quarter, Gold, Silver, and Copper.”
The family exchanged puzzled glances.
They thought, What’s with these names? They sound… strange Do all scientists have weird, quirky names like these? They sure don’t look like typical scientists,
Of course, they kept those thoughts to themselves and clapped enthusiastically. “Welcome! So glad to have you here!”
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Chapter 224
Only Brandon’s eyes betrayed his surprise. He wondered, Penny A short-haired woman in her thirties… Could she be the Penny, the famously elusive chairwoman of Vission Group? A name like that, especially in a country with over a billion people, has to be unique. And that teenage boy, dressed in a sharp black suit with glasses and an air of maturity far beyond his years–Nickle. Could he be the renowned CEO of Vission Group?
The Vission Group’s top executives were notoriously secretive. The company wasn’t public, and they rarely did апу publicity, so few people ever got to see them. Harry, who was more open, was an exception.
Typically, only people deeply involved with Vission Group or those closely following the business world would know about figures like Penny and Nickle.
Brandon, being ambitious and knowledgeable about different industries, recognized them immediately. His shock was hard
to conceal
But what stunned him even more was how respectful these high-level executives were toward Athena. It didn’t seem like they were dealing with a coworker. The way they acted–it was as if they were interacting with someone higher up, someone they truly respected
He thought. What exactly is Athena’s relationship with Vission Group?”
Rumor had it that Vission Group was controlled by a single majority shareholder and that the chairwoman and CEO were personally selected by this hidden figure.
As these thoughts raced through his mind, Brandon’s heart surged with a mix of emotions, but outwardly, he remained calm greeting the guests along with the rest of the family.
After thanking the Donovan family, Penny and her team changed into house slippers, shed their coats, and stepped into the cozy living room, where they greeted the elders with warm smiles.
The three elderly family members were delighted. “Welcome, welcome!” they said, faces glowing with joy. “Thank you for looking after Athena. Here, you’re family–so eat, drink, and make yourselves at home.”
To make sure the guests felt comfortable, the Donovan family had set up two tables in the living room–one for their family. and one for the guests.
As soon as Penny and her group arrived, the family began bringing out the dishes they’d prepared, quickly filling both tables with platters of food, soups, and desserts.
Alaric, ever the curious one, couldn’t help but be fascinated by Penny and her colleagues. He nudged Athena with a grin. “Athena, can I sit with your lab people?”
Athena smiled hack. “Of course.”
Alaric gleefully took a seat next to Nickle, the youngest guest at the table, who looked about fifteen or sixteen. Alaric couldn’t resist asking, “So, can I ask why you guys have such fun names?”
The Donovan family members held their breath for a second, sharing a moment of silent tension.
They’d all been wondering the same thing, but no one had dare to ask. Leave it to Alaric, the youngest, to dive right in without hesitation
Nickle, however, didn’t seem bothered at all. He answered with calm, matter-of-fact tone. “We grew up poor. So poor that Everta penny was a big deal.
He gave a slight smile before continuing. “So when we made it, we gave ourselves these names to remind us of come from”
of where we
Alaric blinked, taken aback. “Wow, you must’ve had it tough With a kind pat on Nickle’s shoulder, he added, “Well, you’re doing great now, so eat up! You deserve it after going through all that
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Chapter 224
The Donovan family let out a collective sigh of relief. The guests weren’t offended at all.
If anything, hearing their story made them seem more down-to-earth. It was hard to believe that these polished, successful people had once struggled like that.
The gap between the family and them seemed to shrink a little more.
By the time everyone was full, they had bonded over stories and food, and any tension that might have existed had dissolved.
Wesley, Claire, and two of the older family members set themselves up in one corner to watch a comedy show while playing poker. Athena’s grandmother cozied up with Josie, watching the game unfold with a smile.
Meanwhile, upstairs in a smaller living room, a group had gathered to play Werewolf, snacking on plates of crawfish, fruit, and desserts, and sipping tea as they laughed and playfully accused one another.
Athena was in the thick of it, but her mind kept wandering. Where is Matthew? Is our only exchange on Christmas going to be a simple Happy-Christmas text?’


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