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She Outshines Them All (Athena and Matthew) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30
Meanwhile, Zoe was also checking her exam results, and her family was overjoyed.
“Oh my gosh, top twenty in the entire province? Zoe, that’s increilible!” Her mother held Zoe’s face and gave her two big kisses. “We have to announce this great news in the papers and throw a grand celebration to let the whole city know how amazing our daughter is!”
Zoe felt proud but spoke modestly, “It’s just around 1500 points on the exam. It doesn’t mean much. College is full of talented people, and I’ll need to work even harder.”
Although the top 20 scores in the West End were temporarily hidden and not yet accessible, she had used a little technical know-how to sneak into the exam results system and see her score.
To avoid trouble, she didn’t check Athena’s score and exited as soon as she saw her own.
1530 points. 20 more than she anticipated!
She was confident that this score would secure her the top spot in the province, and that there was no way Athena could
her this time.
When the top 20 scores were finally revealed, she would be able to hold her head high and erase past humiliations, while Athena would be left in the dust, becoming the school’s laughingstock.
“Our Zoe is so humble,” her father said with a proud smile. “The West End is a major province for SATS. Scoring in the top 20 means you can choose any top university and major in the country.
“And with a score around 1500, you might even be the top science student. We’re looking forward to more good news from Zoe
With that, he waved his hand and instructed the butler, “Notify all our friends and family about this news. Let’s schedule the celebration for July 1st at 5 PM in the main hall of the Vission Resort.”
Exam scores were typically hidden for three days, so Zoe’s results would be available by the afternoon of July 1st.
Zoe’s eyes lit up with an idea. “Mom, Dad, I’d like to invite all my teachers and classmates to the celebration to thank them for their support over the past three years.
Especially Athena-she had to attend the celebration. Zoe planned to present Athena with a “special” gift in front of
“Athena, you’re in for a big surprise…” Zoe mused to herself. Her lips curled into a sly smile, like a cunning fox.
While the Murray family was busy calling and messaging friends and family to share Zoe’s success, Athena and her family had wrapped up their celebration and were driving back to their neighborhood.
On the way, Claire gently touched the car seat and asked quietly, Athena, is this car yours, or did your foster parents from the Kennedy family give it to you?”
If it was a gift from the Kennedy family, the Donovans felt they should return it to avoid owing them too much. Athena smiled. “I bought this car with my scholarship money. I participated in various competitions throughout high school and used the prize money to get it. I didn’t take anything from the Kennedys.”
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they also realized how self-sufficient Athena had become, almost as if she didn’t need them anymore
Claire said sincerely. Athena, you’re so impressive. It feels like your dad and I can’t do much for you anymore…
21:00 Wed, Oct 9 D
Chapter 30
Tim successful because of my good genes from the Donovan family, Athena replied with a smile. Tm eighteen now, old enough to be independent. Having a loving home from you all more than enough.”
Her words made everyone smile, lifting the mood.
By then, they had arrived at Vlento Court, and Athena drove into the neighborhood, parking the car near Block 6. Arthur was the first to get out and ran to open the car doors for everyone else.
After getting out, Wesley asked with concem. “Athena, are you sure you don’t want to come up for a bit? Your mom made some ratatouille and chopped up some carrot sticks for you since she knows you like them.”
Athena replied, “I take them next time. I have a task at the lab and need to get back to the office.
Wesley said, “Then wait here for a few minutes. I’ll have your brother bring down the ratatouille. They’re perfect for
“Okay, I’ll go get them now-Arthur happily complied-
Arthur was about to run upstairs when they suddenly heard an angry woman’s voice behind them: “Athena, get out of the car! We need to talk to you!”
The voice was so harsh that the Donovans turned around, startled. Josie, frightened, hid behind Maria, peeking out nervously.
Arthur and the other kids didn’t recognize the newcomers, but Wesley and Claire did-they had seen them at the paternity
Isaac Kennedy and his wife? What were they doing here? Judging by their demeanor, it didn’t look like they came in peace. they wondered
“Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Wesley said, taking a deep breath and stepping forward to shield his family. “We just got back from dinner. What brings you here to see Athena?”
Athena remained calm in the driver’s seat, not rushing to get out or speak. She was curious to see what drama Regina and her family were planning this time.
Regina, her heels clicking sharply against the pavement, approached with an air of indignation. Without waiting for her husband to speak, she pointed a finger at Athena, her voice rising with anger. “Do you have any idea what your precious daughter has been up to? Do you realize the trouble she’s caused for our family?”
Andrew, wearing a mask and hands casually tucked into his pockets, leaned against the car with a smug expression. “Like father, like daughter, I suppose. Athena’s already learned how to cozy up to wealthy men and use them to get back at the family that raised her for eighteen years. It’s truly astonishing!”
Their accusations hung in the air, sharp and venomous.
Unfortunately, it was dinnertime, and neighbors were returning home, drawn to the commotion outside Block 6. A small crowd began to gather, some clutching their dinner plates, intrigued by the unfolding drama.
“You’re lying!” Claire exclaimed, her voice trembling with fury. She felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. “We know our daughter. Athena is kind and responsible. She would never do what you’re accusing her off”
Arthur stepped forward, his expression darkening as he cracked his knuckles. “Did you come here just to slander Athena? If
don’t apologize, you won’t be leaving this neighborhood.”
Slander? Regina scoffed, dismissing his warning with a wave of her hand. She opened her designer handbag and pulled out a stack of photos, tossing them at the Donovans with a flourish. Look at these. Is this what an 18-year-old girl should be

21:00 Wed, Oct 9
Chapter 30
Athena, having exited the car, picked up a few of the photos and glanced at them.
They depicted her getting out of Harry’s car two days prior, his hand holding hers as they walked into a studio. The images showed them looking close, but there was nothing inappropriate about their behavior.
The Donovans and the onlookers caught sight of the photos too. While the Donovans didn’t see anything wrong, the crowd had plenty to say
“Wow, a Ferrari! The Donovan girl is impressive, snagging a rich guy at just 18. She’s set for life,” one commented.
“They look good together, but dating at 18 isn’t exactly ideal, another interjected.
That guy with long hair, wearing pink and sunglasses? He looks like trouble. Mr. Donovan, you better keep an eye on your daughter before she gets into real trouble…


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