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She Outshines Them All (Athena and Matthew) novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37
At the break of dawn, the sky was still a muted gray. Athena was sleeping soundly when she heard her phone chime with a special notification: [Message from the hospital, please address urgently.]
This was a custom notification she had set specifically for any updates from the hospital. The sound meant only one thing- something was wrong with her grandmother.
Athena immediately opened her eyes, sat up, and reached for her phone on the bedside table.
The message from the nurse read: [Help Grandma, don’t come back.]
Help Grandma?
Don’t come back?
Just as she pieced together the meaning, the message was retracted.
What was going on with the nurse? Even if there was an issue with Grandma, why wouldn’t the nurse be straightforward
about it?
No, something felt off.
The message was likely sent by her grandmother, using the nurse’s phone in secret to avoid detection…
With this realization, Athena switched on the light, quickly dressed, grabbed her phone and bag, and dashed out.
The streets were eerily quiet in the dim morning light.
Athena arrived at Harmony Hospital in under twenty minutes. Though the inpatient ward wasn’t officially open at this hour, a quick call to the hospital’s higher-ups ensured someone was there to let her in.
She hurried into her grandmother’s room, finding her peacefully asleep in bed while the nurse sat on the couch, eating breakfast.
The nurse looked up, surprised to see her. “Miss Donovan, what brings you here so early?”
Athena composed herself. I had a nightmare that something happened to my grandmother, so I rushed over to check on her.”
The nurse smiled. “You’re so caring, Miss Donovan. The old lady is fine, sleeping soundly.”
Athena paused, then said to the nurse, “You can go rest now. I’ll stay with Grandma. I’ll call you when I leave.”
The nurse was more than willing to comply. “Thank you, Miss Donovan. If you need anything, just let me know
Once the nurse left, Athena closed the door and carefully examined her grandmother’s eyes, mouth, and pulse. She also reviewed the latest medical readings, her expression growing serious.
Recently, her grandmother’s health indicators had been stable and improving. But today, her blood pressure and heart rate were off, her complexion had worsened, and her eyes appeared cloudy.
What on earth had happened?
Athena opened her laptop and accessed the surveillance footage from her grandmother’s hospital room. A surge of shock and fury coursed through her as she watched the playback.
An hour earlier, the nurse had briefly left her phone unattended. In that moment, her grandmother’s eyes flickered open
Chapter 37
With deliberate movements, the frail woman reached for the phone, tapped out a message, and then carefully placed it back
The timing of this action coincided precisely with the moment Athena had received a mysterious text from the nurse. A chilling realization dawned on her: her grandmother didn’t trust the nurse.
Something was definitely wrong.
Intrigued and alarmed, Athena delved deeper into the footage. The previous night, she discovered a disturbing scene. After her grandmother awakened, Micah had secretly slipped something into her grandmother’s drink.
She also witnessed Isaac and his family entering the room the previous evening, with Isaac pulling the nurse aside to whisper something conspiratorial.
Rage consumed Athena as the disturbing evidence unfolded. She immediately demanded the nurse’s presence in the hospital room.
When the nurse entered, Athena confronted her with the footage. “My grandmother just woke up and told ΠΕ she overheard the Kennedys discussing a substantial payment to deceive me.
“Confess now, or I’ll take this to the hospital administration and then to court.”
The nurse, a middle-aged woman who relied on her high-paying job to support her family, looked terrified
She broke down and confessed everything. “Miss Donovan, I never meant to harm your grandmother. They’re her family; I never thought they would do anything to hurt her….
Athena replied coldly, “It’s fortunate my grandmother is okay, or you’d be facing jail time.
“Everyone must take responsibility for their actions. You should resign and make sure this never happens again.”
The nurse wanted to plead further, but Athena’s steely gaze silenced her. She left the room, wiping away tears and apologizing as she went.
After closing the door, Athena carefully examined her grandmother, checking her pulse and monitoring her vital signs. She adjusted her grandmother’s position for better comfort and ensured she was breathing steadily.
For two hours, Athena meticulously cared for her, administering the necessary medications and gently massaging her hands and feet to improve circulation.
Gradually, she noticed a slight improvement in her grandmother’s complexion and a stabilization of her vital signs.
Finally, Athena allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief. She sat down to enjoy the lunch the hospital had provided. However, she hadn’t finished eating when Harry sent her an update. At eight that morning, he had filed a defamation lawsuit against Isaac and Regina. The court accepted the case immediately, and he sent a photo of the notice to Isaac.
Clearly rattled, Isaac bombarded Harry with messages, apologizing and pleading for an out-of-court settlement. Harry. however, ignored him.
Athena responded to Harry with a “thumbs-up” emoji: [Well done.]
Harry replied with a “smug grin” emoji: [Of course, who do you think I am?]
Just as Athena was feeling satisfied with the turn of events, she received an unexpected message from Regina. The attached. photo showed her grandmother lying in bed with her eyes closed, Isaac and Regina sitting beside her.
Regina’s message read: (Athena, we visited your grandmother earlier. She woke up and, after hearing about the family situation, she’s made it clear that you must have Harry withdraw the lawsuit and persuade him to return the business to the
Chapter 37
Kennedys. If you don’t, she refuses to stay in the hospital, and we’ll have no choice but to take her home.]


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