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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 

Sebastian sneered, his indiferent and distant peach blossom eyes full of self-mockery. 

He stilled the oppressive pain in lus heart, litted the wine glass, and took another sip. 

His seductively bobbing Adam’s apple rolled, swallowing all the pain as easily as he had swallowed the wine 

Sebastian drained his wine glass, stood up, and stumbled up the stairs, the alcohol unable to dull the pain. 

Gazing at the cold and distant back, Lance abruptly realized his grandfather was right: emotions could ruin a person totally. 

His second brother had been taught from a young age to not be emotional, yet he was the most emotional one; in contrast, he was always dismissive of feelings. 

Lance toyed with the wine glass and glanced at Leo, who was equally anxious. “My second brother was aware that Miss Sales was still alive, yet he was still downcast. Did he go to seek her out to make amends and get turned down?” 

Leo averted his anxious gaze and nodded at Lance. It appears Miss Sales has been disappointed at Mr. Jackman.” 

He didn’t mean that Miss Sales had never loved Mr. Jackman, he always believed that she had 

Whenever he went to fetch Miss Sales in the past, she had always invariably beamed 

She would personally make soup for Mr. Jackman, knowing that his stomach was not feeling well, and ask him to give it to him in secret 

Whenever she was in the presence of Mr. Jackman, she had always been respectful and thoughtful. 

Most of the time, the two had got along splendidly 

Occasionally, Mr. Jackman would abruptly depart in a rage and then remain aloof toward Miss Sales for an extended period. 

For five years, the two had remained in this state of affairs. 

When Mr. Jackman eventually decided to terminate the agreement. Miss Sales refused to accept any compensation from him. 

She did this solely to let Mr. Jackman know that she had been with him not for financial gain. 

Upon seeing what Miss Sales had dropped in the mansion, Mr. Jackman, without showing any reaction on the surface, had immediately asked him to let her retrieve it 

He had wanted Miss Sales to come over, but she declined, so resolved that she erased all hus contact details. 

Mr. Jackman, in a state of panic, made several calls, only to confirm that she had indeed deleted the past. Stunned, he had remained so for a long time. 

Later, he mistakenly believed that Miss Sales had secured a new patron, and in his rage, not only had he been unable to get her back, but he had also inadvertently caused her to leave. 

Then, upon Dev’s arrival, Mr. Jackman was so overwhelmed that he went to extreme lengths to please Miss Sales. Once Miss Sales and Mr. Jackman had clarified matters at the villa, Mr. Jackman had intended to let Miss Sales go. Later, however, Mr. Jackman acted to safeguard Miss Sales, yet it resulted in her premature death. 


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