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Since She Met Lucian novel Chapter 42

With a wine glass in his hand, Edmund looked at Amelia and Jonny in surprise. As far as he was concerned, they were uninvited guests. He would never call them inside.

Nicholas smiled pleasantly and said, "It's Amelia. Come and sit here."

"Father..." Amelia greeted Nicholas with an awkward smile and pointed at the door. "I thought Lucian was here. I'll leave now."

When she saw everyone's unpleasant expressions, she lowered her head. She had no intention of annoying the rest of them.

"What did you call him?" Fannie stared at Amelia in disgust and said, "You seduced Lucian, and now you're eyeing his father too? How can you be so shameless? You don't belong to our family. Did you even consider your status before calling him father?"

"Stop talking, Fannie!" Nicholas interrupted Fannie and glared at her. Her words were too mean! He turned to Amelia, who was standing at the door and said, "Amelia, Lucian was looking for you a while ago. You might find him downstairs. Go and take a look."

"Okay." Amelia nodded, keeping her face straight.

She was good at hiding her emotions. Even if someone wronged her, she would not show it on her face, but hid bitterness in her heart.

Amelia was brought out of her thoughts by an angry voice. "Jonny, why are you standing there? Come and propose a toast to your uncle!" Edmund scolded Jonny and gazed at him with a stern face.

Jonny ignored his father and turned to greet Nicholas with a polite smile.

"Edmund, he is a grownup now. Stop ordering as a commander, and leave him alone." Nicholas gulped the wine and smiled at Jonny. "Your design work is too good. I appreciate your hard-work."

Anyone would be happy after receiving appreciation, and Jonny wasn’t a stranger to these feelings. Stepping forward, he raised his glass and said happily, "Thank you, Uncle Nicholas. Now I feel that I made the right choice."

"I'm sure you will have a bright future if you seize this opportunity." Nicholas placed his hand on Jonny’s shoulder and looked at him in appreciation. Patting on the shoulder, Nicholas said with a smile, "I've seen you and Lucian grow, Jonny."

Jonny's lips stretched to form a pleasant smile. "After work, I will go to the Zhan mansion to play chess with you." Jonny was thankful to Nicholas for the latter's kind words.

Nicholas said nothing but nodded his head repeatedly.

Their conversation made the atmosphere warmer. Unfortunately, Edmund decided to bring the temperature down to the freezing point.

"Nicholas, I have always been against his work. But look at you! Instead of supporting me, you do just the opposite!" Edmund’s tone was filled with hostility. That was when Amelia realized that the relationship between Edmund and his son wasn’t good.

Jonny stiffened for a moment, but he managed to flash a smile on his lips. "Today is Shelly's birthday party. For her sake, let’s not dwell on the topics that can ruin the party." Turning to look at the elegant woman sitting beside Edmund, Jonny grinned and asked, "Mom, how are you doing?"

The corners of the woman's lips curved up to form a satisfying smile. She looked at Jonny and said kindly, "Pretty good."

Being afraid as if she would break something with her voice, she didn’t dare to speak in a rash tone.

Jonny nodded. "Be careful when you head out. I wouldn't want you to catch a fever."

A trace of warmth spread across the room again, but Edmund seemed unhappy. He glanced at Amelia standing behind Jonny, and his face turned dark. "Why are you two together?"

He was determined to stir things up.

Everyone was intrigued after looking at Amelia. Fannie snorted and muttered unhappily, "She must pretend to be a lost lamb trying to attract men's attention."

Being annoyed by Fannie's words, Nicholas pulled a long face and shot a sharp glanced at her.

Even though Amelia had gotten used to Fannie's malice, she was guilty because of Jonny's involvement.

Jonny smiled calmly. "Yes, she was lost, but I found her, thankfully. Did I do something wrong?" His fearless eyes stared at Fannie for a long time.

Fannie looked away in embarrassment and continued, "It's normal for a woman like her to get lost."

Ignoring Fannie, Jonny turned to face Amelia and asked, "Lucian isn't here. Let’s go downstairs, okay?"

Before Amelia could open her mouth, Shelly stood up and shouted in a high-pitched tone, "Jonny, I'm your sister! Why do you side with a woman who stole Lucian from me?"

Shelly had wanted to lash out at someone, and when seeing Jonny and Amelia, she couldn’t help it. How could he talk to that woman in such a pleasing voice?

Amelia felt as if the room was filled with the smell of gunpowder.


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