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Sir Ares, Goodnight novel (Jay Ares and Rose) novel Chapter 2324

Savannah stomped her legs in anger. "Jenson Ares, open the door! I have to do a reading for you. I saw blood in my visions! You’re in danger."

Baby Robbie frowned slightly, wondering to himself,' Since I switched with Jens, is Savannah's vision Jens’ or mine?'

When his roommate heard the knocking, he said to Baby Robbie, "Jens, isn't it a little too ungentlemanly o f you to shut the beautiful lady outside the door?"

Baby Robbie walked to the door and opened it.

Then, Savannah looked at Baby Robbie and fixed her gaze on Baby Robbie's ophryon before saying, "It seems like your ohpryon is glowing in the dark, which represents a terrible omen. It’s no wonder my reading for you was ominous as well. You'll be met with a catastrophic event in the near future."

Baby Robbie did not believe Savannah's words one bit. He thought since she was out scamming others all day long, she must have been somewhat possessed. Therefore, Baby Robbie persuaded Savannah instead." Did you join some sort of cult, Savannah? I'm guessing those people have brainwashed you, am I right? Aren’t you tired from pretending every day?"

Savannah widened her eyes and said, "You have to believe me, Jens."

Baby Robbie crossed his hands and said calmly, "Then tell me, what’s this ominous disaster that’s about to befall me?"

Savannah bit her lip and said, “Judging from the cards, you should already be in danger but a person of a higher rank lent you a hand. However, she can only save you once and won't be able to do it again. So you must not head to the bordering town in the near three months, or your life will be in danger."

Baby Robbie started sweating profusely when he heard the words 'bordering town'.

Was Jens not in the border town at the moment?

Was Jens not injured as well? Whitney was the one who saved him and she was a person of a higher rank than him.

Baby Robbie looked at Savannah and suddenly felt that this girl's predictions were somewhat true.

Even if she was some sort of scammer, the girl was undeniably much more talented than other quacks.

Nonetheless, even if she was great at predicting the future, Jens would surely find it unbearable if she were to cling to him every day so shamelessly.

Baby Robbie said, "Savannah, in order to prove to you that all of your readings are a sham, I’ve decided to head to the bordering town by myself. I’ll be asking the teacher for a leave of absence immediately."

Savannah’s expression changed drastically. "You

really can’t go to the bordering town, Jens!"


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