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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 The New Love and the Former Lover 

Chapter 101 The New Love and the Former Lover 

Troy looked at Cedric. I’m pretty sure. I’ve made my decision.” 

Cedric pursed his lips. Then, do you love her?” 

Troy could tell that Cedric was referring to Imogen

Troy’s eyes sparkled slightly. I’m not sure, but I know I don’t want to divorce her. Otherwise, I will regret it.” 

Maybe you’re just used to this marriage. Once you are single after your divorce, you’ll be fine after a while.” 

Troy looked out the window and remained silent

He didn’t seem to take Gedric’s words seriously

Cedric sighed, whether from surprise or pity for Sarah

Did Sarah agree to break up with you?” 

Troy frowned and said softly. She has no other choice.” 

Cedric looked at Troy, as if surprised by his coldness and callousness

His only three years of marriage to Imogen had trumped his years of love with Sarah. 

Sure enough, a man with a new love would forget his former lover and no longer care about the feelings and pain of his former lover

Cedric knew that it was useless to talk too much, so he turned and left

Troy stood by the window for a while before returning to the box

Inside the box, the others had already played a few rounds of poker. Imogen sat at the table with her legs together, holding a stack of cards in one hand and deciding which card to play

Seeing Troy coming in, Hector laughed and joked, Troy, you have no idea how good Imogen is at poker. She won all those rounds.” 

With a faint smile on his face, Troy sat down behind Imogen

Imogen turned her head and glanced at Troy. Troy, come and play.” 

Troy shook his head. No. I’ll just watch you play.” 

Hector glanced at Troy, then at Imogen, and said with a smile, Imogen, can you dispense with all these formalities? It makes no difference which one of you plays the cards. You are married, so you win and lose together, right?” 

Troy just smiled slightly, and his eyes fixed on Imogen

Imogen continued to play cards, but she was dealt a bad hand this time, so she lost

As soon as Troy came, it was as if Imogen had suddenly lost all her luck, losing several rounds in


Hector shuffled the cards and began to deal them, looking up at Troy with a half smile. Troy, I think it’s better if you go outside. Your presence here seems to be affecting Imogen’s performance.” 

Troy smiled but did not speak

Imogen pinched her fingers and said to Troy, How about you come and play?” 

I’d like to watch you play.” 


Chapter 101 The New Love and the Former Lover 

But I’ll lose a lot of money.” 

It doesn’t matter. It’s just a few bucks.” 

Hector smiled and said, Yes. Imogen, Troy has plenty of money, so you don’t have to worry about that.” 

Imogen had no choice but to continue playing cards

Riley, next to Imogen, stood up and said to Troy, I’m going to the bathroom. You come and play a round for me.” 

Troy nodded without refusing

Riley walked out of the box and went directly to the bathroom

Troy sat down on Riley’s seat. After the cards were dealt, he picked them up in front of him one by one with his slender fingers, arranged them in order, and held the stack with one hand

Imogen’s luck was still bad this time. She had a lot of single cards and had to try to play the cards she could, and finally, only three cards were left in her hand. Her face remained calm, but her heart was worried, and her fingers unconsciously rubbed the furthest card

A single five.Troy drew one of the thirteen cards in his hand and placed it in the middle of the card table

Imogen’s eyes lit up. Six!” 

She hurriedly drew the single six among the three cards and played it

After a turn, it was Troy’s turn again. This time he played a four of the club

Five!Imogen raised her eyebrows at Troy, smiled, and played a single five

Hector thought something strange and looked at Troy. Two more turns later, Troy played a single 


Imogen played her last card directly. I win.” 

No!Hector realized something. Troy, did you play a small hand, so she could win?” 

Imogen was taken aback and then glanced at Troy

She thought it was a coincidence just now. But it seemed he did it on purpose

I didn’t,Troy denied

Unconvinced, Hector reached straight for Troy’s cards

But Troy got the cards into the deck first

After seeing his reaction, everyone understood

Hector yelled, No, this one doesn’t count. You guys are cheating!” 

Troy smiled, ignored him, and looked at Imogen. It’s getting late. Shall we go home?” 


Don’t you want to play a few more rounds?Hector said

We can gather around some other time. Enjoy yourselves. It’ll be my treat today.” 

Troy said goodbye to them and left holding Imogen’s hand

The two were waiting for the elevator. Just then, a few people walked over, not far away. The 

leader was not tall and had a big belly. When he saw Troy, he stepped forward with a smile on his face and shouted, Mr. Marshall.” 


Chapter 101 The New Love and the Former Lover 

As Troy saw the person coming, his expression remained calm. Mr. Page.” 

Joseph said, I didn’t expect to meet you here, Mr. Marshall. What a coincidence.” 

After the two exchanged a few words, Joseph said with a smile, Thank you for taking care of 

Sarah, Mr. Marshall. All the arrangements for her birthday party must have cost you a fortune. Is she still filming on the set?” 

Troy nodded lightly without saying anything

Obviously, he didn’t want to talk too much about Sarah

Joseph glanced at Imogen and tentatively said, How time flies! So many years have passed. I still remember Sarah calling me uncle when she was a little girl with two braids. She’s not a little girl anymore, but she’s on the set all day. Most of the girls around her age already have kids.” 

Everyone has his own ambition.Troy’s tone was light

Joseph noticed that Troy was unwilling to mention Sarah, so he turned his gaze to Imogen beside Troy. Mr. Marshall, who is this?” 

Troy briefly introduced her. Imogen.” 

Joseph suddenly realized and immediately laughed. Ms. Forbes, I have known you for a long time. How lucky I am tonight! Nice to meet you.” 

As he spoke, he glanced at their clasped hands

Imogen smiled politely. Nice to meet you too.” 

Sensing Joseph’s scrutinizing gaze, Imogen kept a smile on her face

She knew Joseph was Sarah’s uncle.

As far as she knew, the Page family also made their fortune in business. It started as a small, anonymous family in New York City, but over the years, the Page family had built up a lot of contacts with the Marshall Group and developed many connections. Gradually, the Page family also established themselves in New York City and became a member of high society

Just then, the elevator reached, and the door opened


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