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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 130


Chapter 130 Publicize Their Relationship 

The interview video was released by Finance Channel at noon on Sunday and was simultaneously released on the official website, mobile application, and official social media account

Imogen stayed at home on Sunday, resting

Sue learned about the argument between Troy and Imogen last night and started persuading Imogen to tell Troy about her pregnancy

Imogen firmly refused

She started to recall what had happened last night. Troy touched her abdomen and asked, If we had a child here, would you still choose to divorce?” 

Imogen looked into Troy’s eyes. I once asked you the same question. Do you remember your 


At that time, she held back her emotions and asked him, If we had a child, would on divorcing?” 

you still insist 

Even though it had been so long, she still remembered his clear response. There are no ifs,and even if there were, I wouldn’t let him be born.” 

Troy seemed to recall as well, his expression stiffening

Without hesitation, Imogen said, There are no ifs,and even if there were, I wouldn’t give birth to the child.” 

Troy’s breathing suddenly became heavy and urgent. He stared at Imogen, his face tense and his teeth clenched, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t. He got up, slammed the door, and hadn’t returned since noon today

Imogen didn’t care where he went. She ate, drank, and slept as usual

Before lunch, Sue asked tentatively, Mrs. Marshall, is Mr. Marshall coming back for lunch? Should I call him?” 

No need. He won’t starve outside.” 

Sue was speechless

She thought, Mr. Marshall, good luck to you. I can’t do anything else.” 

While having lunch, Imogen received a Facebook message from Charlie

Charlie: [Imogen, check the trending topics!

Charlie: [Interview of the dimwit!

Confused, Imogen opened Instagram, which she hadn’t used in a few days. The top hashtag was: [Exclusive Interview with Troy.

She clicked on it, and the headline was a video interview posted by the Finance Channel’s official account. The title read: [Troy, the youngest entrepreneur in New York City and CEO of Marshall Group, gives his first exclusive interview. Let’s see what the secret of the richest man is?

The video thumbnail showed Troy in his office, facing the camera

The video was posted ten minutes ago and had already surpassed 100 thousand views, with over thousand comments, and still rising

Curiously, Imogen clicked open the video

The female host of the interview was a familiar face who had worked on the Finance Channel for 

many years. She was elegant and knowledgeable, wearing a suit jacket with a skirt and holding a microphone while sitting on a couch

Troy sat on the opposite singleseat sofa, wearing a simple black suit, and handmade leather shoes. He crossed his long legs, and his hand rested on the armrest, displaying a casual posture. At the start of the interview, the female host introduced Troy’s identity in a captivating manner, arousing the curiosity of the audience

As the female host’s voice fell, the camera focused on Troy, and he began his selfintroduction. This was his first official appearance in an interview, and Troy, in highdefinition closeup, was handsome with deep eyes and a straight nose, even more captivating than the circulated online photos

From then on, a saying spread on the Internet: [A good face wasted on a scumbag.

They formally entered the topics, and the host asked several questions about finance, economics, and corporate management

Troy answered each question professionally, with insightful perspectives, thorough analysis, and extraordinary eloquence

If one could overlook the online rumors, this interview video would certainly attract a lot of fans for Troy

The interview lasted for twenty minutes

The host delivered a brief monologue and asked the next question, Actually, everyone is very curious about Mr. Marshall’s love life. Mr. Marshall, you also know that there have been many rumors on the Internet about you and Ms. Forbes recently. Can you tell us about your relationship with Ms. Forbes here?” 

It was unexpected for the Finance Channel that Troy agreed to the interview

The executives in the studio attached great importance to it, sending an ace host to host the show. They also gave a list of prepared questions to Lane to ensure smooth cooperation during the interview

Recently, the news about Troy had been buzzing, and the studio wanted to add some excitement. The question list included some personal questions

They originally thought Troy would veto those questions, but unexpectedly, Lane returned the questionnaire with those personal questions still included. It was an unexpected delight for the studio

Troy looked at the camera and spoke in a friendly tone, I’ve never liked others paying attention to my private life. I didn’t clarify past rumors in order to avoid fueling public opinion. But some people have taken advantage and revealed personal information about my wife online, causing her to suffer severe online harassment


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