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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Utterly Absurd 

When Riley pushed open the private room door, he guessed something when he saw that only Troy was inside

He closed the door, stood before the table, glanced at the empty wine bottle, and asked, Did you have an argument with Imogen?” 

Troy didn’t answer. He swayed a bit as he poured wine into the glass in front of him and downed it in one gulp

When Troy was about to pour another glass, Riley quickly took the wine bottle away

Troy, reacting slowly, looked at Riley and reached out his hand. Give me the wine!” 

Did you call me here to watch you drink? I’m not interested. If you wanted to keep drinking,

would leave now.” 

Troy suddenly went limp, his outstretched hand losing its strength, and slapped down on his knee. He slumped onto the sofa, looking like he had lost all his strength

He looked down, his eyes halflidded, making it impossible to see his emotions. Dark circles under his eyes revealed his recent exhaustion

She wants to divorce me.Troy suddenly said, and Riley understood


the wine bottle aside, sat down opposite Troy, and with no hint of surprise, sighed and said, I expected it.” 

Troy looked up sharply

When we were together last time, you asked Cedric to apologize to Imogen. Only you and Cedric were acting, but Imogen’s eyes were calm, indifferent.” 

Troy was stunned, closed his eyes, and tried hard to recall Imogen’s reaction

But he couldn’t remember

You often say Imogen is understanding and easily gives in to others at her own expense. But once she decides to resist, she’s completely disappointed, and it’s hard to change her mind.” 

Troy was silent for a long time before opening his eyes to look at Riley. Why didn’t you warn me earlier?” 

Riley smiled. I did warn you a long time ago. I told you not to be softhearted to women other than your wife. Troy, others may not know you, but I do. Even then, your eyes were filled with hidden meaning when you looked at Imogen.” 

Troy’s eyes were misty as if he recalled something

Had he started to like Imogen that early


So after Imogen asked for a divorce, he still called her his sister

How ridiculous

Who could still be siblings after divorce

Troy just didn’t want to let go of Imogen

So when she happily agreed to divorce, he became unhappy

So when Imogen wanted to resign and go abroad with Liam, Troy vehemently opposed it and tried to persuade her to return, as if he were considering it as an elder brother


It was just Troy’s selfishness

So when they went to the Courthouse to divorce, he knew the documents were left on the hospital table but didn’t remind her, trying to buy time

So after Troy asked for a divorce, even though they just needed to get a divorce certificate from the Courthouse, they hadn’t managed to divorce for so long

He didn’t want to divorce deep down

So when Sarah made several implicit advances, Troy ignored them, fearing his child would be illegitimate like him

He was just leaving room for himself and Imogen, knowing he couldn’t go back if he took that step

Now he finally understood his twisted and contradictory actions

But why did Troy only realize this now

Those involved are often blinded, while outsiders can see clearly. Your relationship with Sarah started with her pursuing you, and she was the one who made concessions. It felt like you could take it or leave it. I didn’t expect Sarah to return, let alone that you’d get involved with her again. I thought you’d understand that you’re the only one who owes Sarah. Imogen doesn’t owe Sarah anything, and you shouldn’t make Imogen suffer to make up for Sarah or ask her to repay Sarah with you.” 

Listening to Riley’s words, Troy was stunned momentarily and then laughed bitterly. Why didn’t I understand such a simple truth?” 

He remembered the time he and Imogen were in bed, lost in passion, and he got a call from Sarah’s agent saying she was missing, and he insisted on leaving

Imogen tried to keep him there, but he left

He was angry at the time and told her she had no empathy

Now he realized how hurtful that was

Why should Imogen have sympathy for someone who ruined her marriage

If someone had told Troy that Liam had gone missing, he would have only clapped and cheered

Actually, even if you had owed Sarah, you shouldn’t have indulged her too much. After that incident years ago, everyone was blaming you. But they all forgot that you and Sarah were both adults. You weren’t her guardian. Her running out of school late at night was her problem. Being kidnapped resulted from the kidnapper’s wicked greed, and it had nothing to do with you. Calling the police was the best choice at the time. Otherwise, you alone might not have been able to save her, and you might have even gotten yourself into trouble. I know you feel guilty, and that’s why you’ve been trying to make it up to Sarah.” 

But making it up to her isn’t unconditional. If she asked you to break the law, would you do it? A promise isn’t indefinite. Would you agree when you have children with Imogen, and she wants to return to be with you?” 

Again, Sarah is an adult. She essentially gave up on your promise when she chose to go abroad. She needs to be responsible for her actions. You can yield to Leo in your daily life, but the position of president at Marshall Group was given to you by Henry because he saw your abilities. Leo is not as capable as you, so you shouldn’t feel like you’ve stolen from him. Even without you, there would be your second uncle and your cousin, so the presidency of Marshall Group may not necessarily be Leo’s.” 

Chapter 135 Utterly Absurd 


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