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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Still Suffer After Death 

Chapter 141 Still Suffer After Death 

It must be her! The Marshall Group’s Mansion is on Rouverd Street!Samara shouted with a highpitched voice, staring at Imogen’s figure in the surveillance with a flash of resentment in her 


She suddenly thought of something and scolded angrily, Irene! It must be that bitch, Irene! No wonder I think she looked familiar the first time I saw Imogen!” 

Samara thought angrily, Before Bill got married, he had dated Irene, but I have not expected that they still have contact after getting married

Twenty years later, this bitch, Imogen, stole my daughter’s man again

Both the mother and the daughter are the same kind of birch

They are sluts!” 

Sarah still couldn’t believe that there was such a coincidence that Imogen was her father’s, illegitimate daughter

She utilized her social relations to get the video along Rouverd Street

In the video, Imogen was originally in a black car. On the road not far from Marshall Group’s mansion, the car seemed to break down and stopped on the side of the road. Imogen got off the car, walked all the way through Rouverd Street, and finally entered the mansion

Zooming in to see the license plate of the black car clearly, Sarah’s pupils shrank suddenly. Her expression was gloomy. After a few seconds of silence, she suddenly slammed her phone against the wall like crazy

With a bang, the phone fell apart

She thought, Imogen is my father’s illegitimate daughter

When did my father know

And why did he choose to do a paternity test at this time

Just because Troy disclosed his relationship with Imogen, so my father gave up on me and wanted to accept Imogen as his daughter

Damn it! He does not know the fact that Imogen will not accept their paternity relationship. Although Ignacio’s family background is ordinary, he is very fortunate. Before he died, he donated his liver to Henry and successfully got Imogen into the Marshall family. Although he died for many years, he was always praised by people

How could Imogen accept Bill as her father?‘ 

Sarah calmed down, took a deep breath, and said, Mom, don’t let Dad and Uncle know about this.” 

Her uncle had snobbish. If he knew, Imogen’s identity, he would definitely flatter Imogen. I know.Samara gritted her teeth and said, You should have a good rest in the hospital first.” 

When Imogen got off work, she received a call from the driver, saying that the car had a flat tire, and he wanted to go back and change to another car, so Imogen could wait for a while. Imogen glanced at the sky outside the window and said, You can get off work first. I’ll take a taxi back.” 


The driver said, No, I can not. Mr. Marshall told me to drive Mrs. Marshall home.” 

The driver insisted, and Imogen didn’t say anything but only asked the driver to call her when he was about to arrive

Imogen worked overtime in the office for a while, and the driver called, Mrs. Marshall, I have ten minutes to arrive at Marshall Group’s Mansion.” 

I see. I’ll go down and wait for you now. There is no need for you to drive the car into the garage.The driver answered, Okay.” 

Imogen turned off the computer and office lights, took her bag, and went downstairs. She stopped at the street in front of the mansion on the left, watched the traffic, and waited for the driver to 


A van drove up ahead and stopped in front of Imogen

Imogen thought someone was going to get out of the car, so she took two steps aside

Suddenly, two men in black came out of the van. One quickly covered Imogen’s mouth with a towel, and the other hugged Imogen and dragged her to the car

The van drove away immediately and merged into the traffic

The whole process took less than a minute in a flash

In the van, two men immediately stuffed Imogen’s mouth with towels, tied her hands behind her back, and pushed Imogen into the innermost seat

At this moment, the phone rang in Imogen’s bag

A man immediately opened the bag, took out the phone from inside, refused to answer, turned off the phone, opened the window, and threw the phone out

All this happened within minutes

Imogen sat in the corner, forced herself to calm down, and looked at the two men warily

After thinking about it, Imogen had not thought who would treat her like this

She thought, The only person who I have offended was Sarah

Isn’t she still in the hospital now?‘ 

After a while, the van stopped. 

Imogen was dragged out of the car by two men and thrown on the ground like garbage

Imogen’s hands were tied. Without support, she fell to the ground. Her face hurt. She was lying on the ground and unable to get up

She tried to raise her head and looked around her surroundings

The sky had already darkened. Under the faint moonlight, the outlines of the surroundings could be seen faintly

This was a cemetery

She said, Ouch!” 

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in her back

The highheeled shoes stepped on Imogen’s back, and the owner crushed them hard. The sharp heels stabbed the flesh on Imogen’s back, making her breathless

Little bitch! It’s your doom!” 


The owner of the high heels came in front of Imogen, leaned down, pinched Imogen’s jaw, and looked at her face

It was Irene’s beautiful face that fascinated Bill before

Imogen looked at the strange woman in front of her, feeling puzzled

Suddenly, the woman slapped her hard

There was a loud sound because of the slap. It was very clear in the silent cemetery

Imogen was slapped, so she fell to the ground. Half of her face felt a burning pain at first, and then it became hot and numb, and she even lost feeling in the corner of her mouth

The cheeks swelled up quickly, accompanied by two bloodstains from the scratches of the nails! Imogen fell to the ground and tasted the bloody smell from the corner of her mouth

Samara shouted, Bitch, get up! You dare to rob a man from my daughter. I am making you pay the price!” 

Samara grabbed Imogen’s hair and forced her to raise her head. Her scalp was painful because it was pulled by Samara

Imogen could only make a murmur

She guessed that the woman in front of her should be Sarah’s mother

Samara asked someone to pull Imogen’s hair, so she could slap Imogen’s face more than a dozen times on end

Imogen was dizzy because of being slapped. Her version was blurred. Her cheeks hurt, and they were so red and swollen that they were about to bleed

The man who pulled Imogen’s hair slammed Imogen’s head on the ground


let out a muffled snort. As she felt severe pain, she could not see anything for a while

The man pulled Imogen’s hair again to force her to raise her head

Samara cursed, You are a shameless slut! You got Troy with your face, right? I’ll destroy your face. today. Let’s see if Troy loves you!” 

Samara stared at Imogen viciously, took out a fruit knife from her pocket, raised her hand, and dropped it

Imogen said, Ouch!” 


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